SGCO Minutes Date: Thu Nov 09, 2006 Time: 1pm - 2pm Location: 50-220 (GSC Office) Attendance: Emily Fox, Stephen Hou, Sharon Karackattu Note Taker: Stephen Hou Ike Colbert Meeting ------------------- * Sharon and Stephen met with Ike Colbert, Dean for Graduate Students, last Friday. * Dean Colbert is very supportive of our initiative. He agrees with our main points that in our world today, our students should be encouraged to learn things outside of their field. * Colbert also outlined the path we should take to change policy. He is confident that our proposal will be passed (as long as it is reasonable), even though there will certainly be opposition. * As Emily told us before, the Committee for Graduate Student Programs (CGSP) has been disbanded. It has been replaced with a new Committee on Graduate Programs (CGP). Website is here: * It is chaired by Prof. Melissa Nobles (Poli Sci), and Barrie Gleason is the staff to CGP. Eric Weese and Shan Wu, the GSC President and Vice President, are ex officio members of CSP, so we should definitely get them up to speed on our activities before approaching the entire CGP. * We should make an formal proposal to CGP. When we have sufficient material to present, we should contact Prof. Nobles and Ms. Gleason to put it on their agenda. * If they approve, it will go to the Faculty Policy Committee for a binding vote. E-Mail to Professors -------------------- * Sharon collected feedback from others on SGCO and has an e-mail that we can use to send to professors. * Decided to hold off on using it (see below). Proposal -------- * Emily wrote a draft of the proposal and Stephen edited it. * We need to work out several versions: One as a report explaining each component of our new P/D/F policy, and one to publish in the Course Catalog as the policy itself. * We do not know how much leeway to give departments in deciding how many subjects a student may take as P/D/F and when they may do so. Giving them too little say may make the proposal difficult to push through, and giving them too much may render the whole supposedly Institute-wide P/D/F option useless. * Master's vs. Doctoral Students: We discussed whether to allow P/D/F to be used by all graduate students, or just doctoral students. Although it may be underutilized by master's students, they may push to get it anyway in the future if the option were available only to doctoral students. * We need to determine whether to give instructors the ability to limit the number of P/D/F students taking their subject. Pros: Necessary to control popular subjects. Cons: May be abused by professors to prevent students from using P/D/F. CGP --- * Since we have Ike Colbert's support, we should save ourselves extra work and talk to CGP as soon as we can. * Emily e-mailed Barrie Gleason, staff to CGP, to schedule a meeting with CGP to solicit their advice and feedback. Decisions --------- * We will go directly to CGP ASAP. * Hold off on all other activities until CGP meeting, including developing the survey and e-mailing professors. * Emily will edit proposal draft based on today's discussion. Action Items ------------ * Based on response from CGP, next SGCO meeting will be scheduled shortly before that meeting.