Date: Thurs Mar 15, 2007 Time: 12:00pm - 1:00pm Location: 50-220 Attendance: Emily Fox, Pranava Goundan, Stephen Hou, Cheston Tan Note Taker: Emily Fox GSC Endorsement -------------- * We have official GSC endorsement. * No opposition or abstainers. CGP Meeting Recap ----------------- * CGP had a positive response to our presentation. * CGP suggested we contact graduate officers, survey students, and edit faculty handbook. * CGP raised question about limiting the number of P/D/F students in a course, but we feel this w ould create more issues and will not necessarily be an issue to start with. Wait to see if facult y committee mentions something of this sort. * A question also arose about who should approve a student taking a P/D/F course: graduate office r, academic advisor, etc. Conclusion is that this should be something established by individual departments since one proposal would not fit both large and small departments or the differences between departments. * Surveying students would be too labor intensive and the data might not be useful. Registrar dat a and GSC endorsement might be sufficient. Action Items ------------ * Edit faculty handbook, similar to Sec. 2.6.1 iv. * Put together a one page summary document including proposal, motivation, etc. * Draft email to send to graduate officers. * Obtain Registrar data. Next meeting to follow Spring Break.