IRIX 5.3 Release Order (update 6/13/96)
Added: May have been installed previously; now expected to work
*: a black star for present and accounted for, at least minimally
??: doesn't seem to do the right thing
Four States
- C+B (Crash and Burn)
- Alpha--locker owners prepare to build their stuff
- Beta--locker owners expect to build cleanly and test
6/13/96 Need Attention!
- MIT libraries locker
- xdsc
- register, reg_extra, sis
- xtechinfo
- xinfo (dot working on it!)
- xmitdir
For each state, there are entry and exit criteria.
Crash and Burn State
To exit development and enter C+B, required software is:
- * vendor release (includes patches required by vendor
and necessary X functionality)
- * xterm
- * mwm (4Dwm)
- * twm
- * console
- * AFS (for Athena 8.0, this is version 3.4a (GA))
- * Kerberos
- * hesiod
- * tcsh
- * Install Process (Server, etc.)
- * Update Process
To enter C+B, system must pass:
- * Install
- * Update
- * Login
To exit C+B, required alpha software is added.
- * C compiler
- * a debugger
- * zephyr
- * motd (get_message)
- * MH
- * lpr
- * attach
- * Login
- * Emacs
- * rcs
- * imake
- * sendbug
- (N/A) Athena Development Environment
- libraries (X, Motif)
- include files
Alpha State
To enter alpha, system must pass:
- alpha tests, including a make using Athena imake rules
During alpha, developers and locker owners prepare to build their stuff.
In particular, we expect
- * Andrew
- mkserv
- gnu
Also during alpha, briefings for other development team members should
be provided, including:
- changes and problem areas in port
- "architecture diagrams" or other helps to orient people to peculiarities of port
To exit alpha, required beta software is added and required bug fixes
- * FORTRAN compiler
- * olc (x, tty, olta, owl, olc_answers)
- (N/A) Athena Man
- * TeX (LaTeX, dvips, xdvi, dvi2tty)
- * Andrew/EZ (ezviewer, ez2ascii)
- * olh
- * delete
- * xmh
- * eos, neos
- (N/A) notes
- * discuss, (??) xdsc
- * dash
- * perl
- (??) register, SIS, reg_extra
- * enscript
- (??)MIT libraries software
- * xscreensaver
- * lert
- * idle screen/pre-login motd
- * techinfo (x, tty) [STILL NEEDED?] (??)(X missing)
- (??) xinfo
- (??) xmitdir
- * xcluster, cview
- * moira, listmaint, mailmaint, blanche
- * infoagents (mosaic, netscape, etc.)
- * Postscript previewer
Beta State
To enter beta, system must pass:
- beta tests, including tests of alpha bug fixes.
During beta, developers and locker owners expect to build cleanly and
test. In most cases, we advise locker owners to rebuild at this point
to insure libraries, include files, and other changes are kept in sync.
Also during beta, Faculty Liaisons, Consultants, Documentation, Training
should be provided with:
- question and answer meetings
- list of changes in port
- list of expected problem areas for users
- provide support for these groups in getting ready for port
To exit beta, required release software is added and required bug
fixes incorporated.
Major Locker Software
- Xess
- Maple
- Tecplot
- AutoCAD
- Frame
- Matlab
- S-Plus
- Consult
- * netnews
- lotteries
Release State
To enter release, system must pass:
- release tests, including tests of alpha and beta bug fixes.
- mkserv operates correctly?
Test plans for transitions are being developed.