Self Assessment and Learning Goals
Using the scale below, first indicate your current level for each item.
Then enter your desired level or goal for each. Enter the difference in
the last column. Circle three or four of the highest numbers in the
last column that are important to you.
- 0 - Never
- 1 - Sometimes
- 2 - Frequently
- 3 - Always
(The headings of the columns on the right are current, goal, and change.
Due to limitations in HTML, I skipped the columns.)
Positive (World)
- Find opportunities during change situations
- Develop a number of possibilities during change situations
- Look at the pros as well as the cons during change situations
- Worry very little about those items over which I have no control
Positive (Self)
- See myself as a valuable person during the change process
- Believe I am capable during change situations
- Am able to risk failure during times of change and handle it if it
- Find some things I can influence/control during change
- Know clearly my purpose in life and/or in work
- Set and maintain priorities during times of change
- Get back on course if I derail temporarily during change
- Set small, interim goals if needed during times of change
Flexible (Thoughts)
- Handle ambiguity well, especially during change situations
- Suspend judgment during change situations
- Consider several alternatives before making decisions about
- Find links between the "old way" and the "changed way."
Flexible (Social)
- Develop a good support system and use it during times of change
- Draw on others' resources during change situations
- Recognize and practice interdependence with others
- Know when and how to ask for help from others
- Set some structure despite ambiguity during change situations
- Develop and practice self discipline
- Able to "chunk down" major change into smaller, more manageable
- Develop "Plan A" and "Plan B" during uncertain times
- Take calculated risks during times of change.
- Act decisively despite some uncertainty
- Invest energy into change situations instead of withdrawing from
- Experiment with an open mind during change situations