EmJay Balloting At Its HTMLish Best
From: (your email address please)
Best All-Around List Member
Best Contest Organizer
Best Critiquer
Best Flame Douser
Best Flamer
Best Interactive Character
Best Interactive Story
Best List Pair
Best Overall Posts
Best Signature File
Best TECH Contributor
Best Website (for appearance, audio and content)
Best Writing Exercises
Favorite Essayist(s)
Favorite Poet(s)
Favorite Short Story Writer(s)
List Characters!
List Conservative/The Bob Dole Award
List Curmudgeon
List Daddy
List Diplomat (most agreeable)
List Flirt(Male)
List Flirt(Female)
List "Gandalf" or Sage/The Merlin Award
List Instigator
List Kid
List Liberal/The Jessie Jackson Award
List Lurker
List Mommie
List Oldster (either chronologically or behaviorally)
List Predator/The Wes Craven Award
Most Bullheaded
Most Intellectual/The Einstein Award
Most Knowledgable Techie on List
Most Likely to be Published
Most Likely to be Seen at an Open-Mike Reading
Most Mysterious/The Hugh Hefner Award
Most Outspoken
Most Persuasive
Most Political
Most Romantic
Most Sensual
Most Serious
Most Surprising
Most Temperamental
Special Guest Appearances!
Peanut Gallery (jokesters/pranksters on list!)
The Golden Shovel Award (best BS'er)
The Parachute Award (most likely to leap before looking)
The Soul of the List
The Welcome Wagon Award (best welcomer)
Who Wouldn't You Kick Out of Bed?(Male)
Who Wouldn't You Kick Out of Bed?(Female)
Who Would You Most Likely Let Babysit Your Kids? (aka The Barney Award)
Who Would You Least Likely Let Babysit Your Kids?
Any Parting Words?
You may
when done, or
if you want to start over.