Summer 1995 Release Notes

Note: The Release Team recommends that the Summer 1995 Release focus on stabilizing the existing base across all platforms. As a part of that, we expect that there will not be any major changes in the existing base, although bug fixes, consolidation of libraries, and similar "clean up" efforts will be made.

The major effort will go into developing a stable source tree and recompiling the complete tree on all platforms.

We expect to start with Release 8.0A on all platforms in the summer. The major revision number will indicate that this consists of programs compiled and verified as part of the Athena source tree. It does not indicate that there are significant new features.

We do expect to include print handling.

It will also include vold service on SUNs (requires changes in mtools) and shared memory changes required to support future MAE and Oracle use.

Schedule as of 6/1

  1. Test--June 28
  2. Release--July 25


  1. Code Cut--Early April
  2. Beta Test--May 23
  3. Graduation--June 6
  4. Early Test--June 20
  5. Release--July 18
  6. Students on Campus--August 20

Items Considered for Release (most on hold for Winter Release)

  1. Solaris 2.4 (Miki)
  2. Kerberos V5 support (Ted)
  3. Uniform Login Library (Bruce)
  4. Upgrade default Athena shell to Cornell 6.0.{4,5}
  5. Mkserv Print for Suns (Miki)
  6. Recover Print server sources
  7. Andrew patches (Bill)
  8. Emacs 19 as default (on hold)
  9. Update RCS
  10. Sendmail 8.6.x (jweiss)
  11. Use local disks better (Craig)
  12. OLC/OLTA use $PAGER (Mark)

Items Under Investigation for Release

  1. AFS 3.3 servers + Ultrix 4.3
  2. Change mount pt for X11 lockers (Craig)
  3. Faster Login (Bill)
  4. Select a default sun compiler; recompile Athena with it (Craig, wdc)
  5. AFS patches
  6. Change window manager from mwm to twm
  7. Perl 5.0 (Mark)
  8. AUIS 6.3, with HTML features (New EZ) (wdc)

Other Brilliant Ideas

  1. mime support in mh
  2. move Hesiod "cluster" info into AFS
  3. move session dependent files from /tmp to some other place
  4. clear "-c" from default more options
  5. fix SNMPD for all platforms
  6. motif libraries
  7. SKEY support (1 time passwords)
  8. config_afs still painfully slow
  9. Xlogin resource for ticket lifetime
  10. better testing