Things To Do
- netprob jic
- weekly status report
- Papers
- Distributed Project Management--What should team members be
able to do? What are the competencies for project team members?
- What is delivery process? What is the new organization?
- Agenda, Ground Rules, Minutes--Effective Meetings
- ILEAD topics
- where are we going?
- methods of communication
- meetings, email, and other ways of working together
- goals, tasks, etc. into inchpebbles. (personal management)
- being explicit
- xterm security
- skill sets (reporting/communications, problem escalation,
team/basic planning, goals/training/performance)
- Why "it has been solved once" doesn't mean "I
don't need to consider alternatives"
- Option A - 12 mths $48; Option B - 15 mths $45; I need 14 mths $40 does not imply that such an option exists!
- Reading
- Conceptual Blockbusting, Adams
- Serious Creativity, De Bono
- The Rhetoric of Intentions, Kenneth Burke
- Bradshaw
- Balls In The Air
- ideas, bugs, etc. tracking
- SGI-installs, update, golden disk not longterm, login sys:anyuser
- urops/watchmakers
- hiring--search, staffing plan
- ezra-ultrix
- get IBM, DEC, HP, other vendors in to talk
- port mkserv services to suns
- Other Thinks To Do
- ACM, IEEE memberships?
- SGI sources
- emacs19 doc, testing
- resumes to Peter Kelly
- special student/grad studies
- Performance Reviews
- Review Form on Web
- review old performance reviews
- Plans for future performance
- Talks about future performance