Zephyrs sent to a few commonly used zephyr classes are logged in a couple of Athena lockers. Instances of class message are logged in the zlog locker in the file /mit/zlog/instance . For example, to look at the last bunch of zephyrs sent to instance 6.170, you can type
attach zlog
tail -100 /mit/zlog/6.170
Zephyrs sent to a couple of other classes (including class help) are logged in the zlogs locker. All the zephyrs sent to class help since the last 3AM are located in /mit/zlogs/help/help . Zephyrs sent to class help on the previous day can be found in the same directory in help.0 , those from two days can be found in help.1 , etc. Additionally, class help zephyrs are also logged by instance under /mit/zlogs/help-by-instance/instance . To look at the last few zephyrs sent to class help, instance boston, you can type:
attach zlogs
tail -100 /mit/zlog/help-by-instance/help