Java Programming
- Introduction
- What is Java?
- Java history
- Oak project
- Conversion to www
- JavaScript and Java
- JDK 1.0, 1.1, 1.2 & Java 2
- 100% Pure, Legal battles
- Specialized versions: Embedded, Personal Java, etc.
- How to insert an existing applet on a Web page
- Java Architecture Overview
- Language Overview
- Java features
- Cross platform VM: byte code interpreter
- Mobile code
- Security
- Java basics
- Sample code
- API Overview
- What is the API
- API v. Java
- Packages
- IDEs
- Other
- Books
- Links
- Wrapup
BREAK (2 days)
- Recent Developments
- Java 2
- Servlets
- Embedded systems
- JITs
- Language Details
- API Detail
- java.lang,, java.util, java.awt
- AWT: Advanced Windowing Toolkit / Swing
- System
- Utilities
- General
- Hash tables
- Vectors
- File System/Streams
- Common/Standard Methods (inherited from Object)
- Applet class/context
- Applet Overview
- Difference between applet and application
- Applet
- Application Overview
- Show that Java can be used for other than Web stuff
- Future, wrap-up, and questions
- Wider platform support
- CORBA/IDL/Jini/...
- Java appliances