
Carlos E. S. Cesnik
Visiting Associate
of Aeronautics and Astronautics
from the University of Michigan
In Refereed Journals
Proceedings of Refereed Conferences
Other Publications
In Refereed Journals
1. |
Hodges, D. H.,
Atilgan, A. R., Cesnik, C. E. S., and Fulton, M. V., "On a Simplified
Strain Energy Function for Geometrically Nonlinear Behavior of Anisotropic
Beams," Composites Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 5 -7, 1992, pp.
513 -526
2. |
Cesnik, C. E.
S. and Hodges, D. H., "Stiffness Constants for Initially Twisted
and Curved Composite Beams," Applied Mechanics Reviews, Vol.
46, No. 11, Part 2, 1993, pp. S211 -S220.
3. |
Cesnik, C.
E. S. and Hodges, D. H., "Stiffness Constants for Non-Prismatic
Anisotropic Beams," International Journal of Engineering Analysis
and Design, Vol. 1, 1994, pp. 177-187.
4. |
Cesnik, C. E.
S. and Hodges, D. H., "Stiffness Constants for Composite Beams Including
Large Initial Twist and Curvature Effects," Applied Mechanics
Reviews, Vol. 48, No. 11, Part 2, 1995, pp. S61 - S67.
5. |
Cesnik, C. E.
S., Sutyrin, V. G., and Hodges, D. H., "Refined Theory of Twisted
and Curved Composite Beams," International Journal of Solids
and Structures, Vol. 33, No. 10, 1996, pp. 1387 -1408.
Of Page
6. |
Cesnik, C. E.
S., Hodges, D. H., and Sutyrin, V. G., "Cross-Sectional Analysis
of Composite Beams Including Large Initial Twist and Curvature Effects,"
AIAA Journal, Vol. 34, No. 9, 1996, pp. 1913 -1920.
7. |
Hodges, D.
H., Shang, X., and Cesnik, C. E. S., "Finite Element Solution of
Nonlinear Intrinsic Equations for Curved Composite Beams" Journal
of the American Helicopter Society, Vol. 41, No. 4, 1996, pp.
331 -321
8. |
Cesnik, C. E.
S. and Hodges, D. H., "VABS: A New Concept for Composite Rotor Blade
Cross-Sectional Modeling," Journal of the American Helicopter
Society, Vol. 42, No. 1, 1997, pp. 27-38.
9. |
Hodges, D. H.,
Harursampath, D., Volovoi, V. V., and Cesnik, C. E. S., "Non-Classical
Effects in Non-Linear Analysis of Pretwisted Anisotropic Strips,"
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, Vol. 34, 1999,
pp. 259-277. **
10. |
Popescu, B.,
Hodges, D. H., and Cesnik, C. E. S., "Obliqueness Effects in Asymptotic
Cross-Sectional Analysis of Composite Beams," Computer and Structures,
vol. 76, no. 4, 2000, pp. 533-543. **
Of Page
11. |
Smith, M. J.,
Hodges, D. H., and Cesnik, C. E. S., " Evaluation of Computational
Algorithms Suitable for Fluid-Structure Interactions," Journal
of Aircraft, vol. 37, No. 2, March-April 2000, pp. 282-294.
12. |
Smith, M. J.,
Cesnik, C. E. S., Hodges, D. H., "Evaluation of Some Data Transfer
Algorithms for Noncontiguous Meshes," ASME Journal of Aerospace
Engineering, Vol. 13, No. 2, April 2000, pp. 52-58.
13. |
Patil, M. J.,
Hodges, D. H., and Cesnik, C. E. S., "Nonlinear Aeroelasticity Analysis
of Complete Aircraft in Subsonic Flow," Journal of Aircraft,
Vol. 37, No. 5, September-October 2000, pp. 753-760. **
14. |
Patil, M. J.,
Hodges, D. H., and Cesnik, C. E. S., "Limit Cycle Oscillations in
High-Aspect-Ratio Wings," Journal of Fluids and Structures,
2000 (accepted). **
15. |
Patil, M. J.,
Hodges, D. H., and Cesnik, C. E. S., "Nonlinear Aeroelasticity and
Flight Dynamics of High-Altitude Long-Endurance Aircraft," J.
of Aircraft, Vol. 38, No. 1, January-February 2001, pp. 95-103.
Of Page
16. |
Cesnik, C.
E. S. and Shin, S.-J., "On the Modeling of Active Helicopter Blades,"
Int. Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 38, Nos. 10-13,
March 2001, pp. 1765-1789. **
17. |
Cesnik, C. E.
S. and Shin, S.-J., "On the Twist Performance of a Multiple-Cell
Active Helicopter Blade," J. Smart Mat. & Structures, Rotorcraft
Applications, Vol. 10, No. 1, February 2001, pp. 53-61. **
18. |
Cesnik, C. E.
S., Shin, S. J., and Wilbur, M. L., "Dynamic Response of Active
Twist Rotor Blades," J. Smart Mat. & Structures, Rotorcraft Applications,
Vol. 10, No. 1, February 2001, pp. 62-76. **
Of Page
of Refereed Conferences
1. |
Atilgan, A.
R., Hodges, D. H., Fulton, M. V., and Cesnik, C. E. S., "Application
of the Variational-Asymptotical Method to Static and Dynamic Behavior
of Elastic Beams," Proceedings of the 32nd Structures, Structural
Dynamics, and Material Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, April
8-10, 1991, pp. 1078-1093, AIAA Paper 91-1026.
2. |
Hodges, D. H.,
Atilgan, A. R., Cesnik, C. E. S., and Fulton, M. V., "On a Simplified
Strain Energy Function for Geometrically Nonlinear Behavior of Anisotropic
Beams," Proceedings of the 17th European Rotorcraft Forum,
Berlin, Germany, September 24-26, 1991, 617-628.
3. |
Cesnik, C.
E. S. and Hodges, D. H., "Variational-Asymptotical Analysis of Initially
Twisted and Curved Composite Beams," Proceedings of the XVI Southeastern
Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Nashville,
Tennessee, April 12-14, 1992.
4. |
Cesnik, C. E.
S., Hodges, D. H., and Atilgan, A. R., "Variational-Asymptotical
Analysis of Initially Twisted and Curved Composite Beams," Proceedings
of the 33rd Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Material Conference,
Dallas, Texas, April 13-15, 1992.
5. |
Cesnik, C. E.
S. and Hodges, D. H., "Stiffness Constants for Initially Twisted
and Curved Composite Beams," Proceedings of the 1992 Winter Annual
Meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Anaheim,
California, November 23-25, 1992.
Of Page
6. |
Cesnik, C. E.
S. and Hodges, D. H., "Stiffness Constants for Initially Twisted
and Curved Composite Beams," Proceedings of the 3rd Pan-American
Congress of Applied Mechanics, São Paulo, Brazil, January 5-8,
7. |
Cesnik, C.
E. S., Sutyrin, V. G., and Hodges, D. H., "A Refined Composite Beam
Theory Based on the Variational-Asymptotical Method," Proceedings
of the 34th Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Material Conference,
La Jolla, California, April 19-22, 1993, pp. 2710-2720, AIAA Paper
8. |
Cesnik, C. E.
S., Sutyrin, V. G., and Hodges, D. H., "Refined Theory of Twisted
and Curved Composite Beams: The Role of Short-Wavelength Extrapolation,"
Proceedings of the 35th Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Material
Conference, Hilton Head, South Carolina, April 20-22, 1994,
pp. 1134-1143, AIAA Paper 94-1451.
9. |
Cesnik, C. E.
S. and Hodges, D. H., "Stiffness Constants for Composite Beams Including
Large Initial Twist and Curvature Effects," Proceedings of the
4th Pan-American Congress of Applied Mechanics, Buenos Aires,
Argentina, Vol. III, January 3-6, 1995, pp. 229-232.
10. |
Hodges, D.
H., Shang, X., and Cesnik, C. E. S., "Finite Element Solution of
Nonlinear Intrinsic Equations for Curved Composite Beams" Proceedings
of the 36th Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Material Conference,
New Orleans, Louisiana, April 10-12, 1995, AIAA Paper 95-1174.
Of Page
11. |
Cesnik, C.
E. S., Hodges, D. H., and Sutyrin, V. G., "Stiffness Constants for
Composite Beams Including Large Initial Twist and Curvature Effects,"
Proceedings of the 36th Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Material
Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 10-12, 1995.
12. |
Cesnik, C.
E. S. and Hodges, D. H., "VABS: A New Concept for Composite Rotor
Blade Cross-Sectional Modeling," Proceedings of the American
Helicopter Society 51st Annual Forum, Forth Worth, Texas, May
9-11, 1995.
13. |
Hodges, D.
H., Harursampath, D., and Cesnik, C. E. S., "Nonlinear Strain Field
Effects in Anisotropic Strips," Recent Developments in Solid
Mechanics, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Jul 31-Aug 2, 1996, pp.71-78.
14. |
Cesnik, C. E.
S., Hodges, D. H., and Patil, M. J. "Aeroelasticity Analysis of
Composite Wings," 37th Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Material
Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, April 15-17, 1996, AIAA-96-1444-CP,
pp. 11130-1123. **
15. |
Cesnik, C. E.
S., Hodges, D. H., Popescu, B., and Harursampath, D., "Composite
Beam Cross-Sectional Modeling Including Obliqueness and Trapeze
Effects," 37th Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Material
Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, April 15-17, 1996, AIAA-96-1469-CP,
pp. 1384-1397. **
Of Page
16. |
Smith, M. J.,
Cesnik, C. E. S., Hodges, D. H., and Moran, K., "An Evaluation of
Computational Algorithms to Interface between CFD and CSD Methodologies,"
37th Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Material Conference,
Salt Lake City, Utah, April 15-17, 1996, AIAA-96-1400-CP, pp. 745-755.
17. |
D., Cesnik, C. E. S., Lee, J.-M., Mavris, D. N., and Schrage, D.
P., "A New Approach to Integrated Wing Design in Conceptual Synthesis
and Optimization," 6th AIAA/USAF/NASA/ISSMO Symposium on Multidisciplinary
Analysis and Optimization, Bellevue, Washington, September 4-6,
1996, AIAA-96-4000-CP, pp. 1835-1843.
18. |
D., Zink, P. S., Mavris, D. N., Cesnik, C. E. S., and Schrage, D.
P., "New Approaches to Multidisciplinary Synthesis: An Aero-Structures-Control
Application Using Statistical Techniques," World Aviation Congress,
Los Angeles, California, October 21-24, 1996, Paper # 965501.
19. |
Patil, M. J.,
Hodges, D. H., and Cesnik, C. E. S., "Nonlinear Aeroelasticity Analysis
of High Aspect Ratio Wings," 39th Structures, Structural Dynamics,
and Material Conference, Long Beach, California, April 20-23,
1998. **
20. |
Cesnik, C. E.
S. and Shin, S.-J., "Structural Analysis for Designing Rotor Blades
with Integral Actuators," 39th Structures, Structural Dynamics,
and Material Conference, Long Beach, California, April 20-23,
1998. **
Of Page
21. |
Cesnik, C.
E. S. and Shin, S.-J., "On the Twist Performance of a Multiple-Cell
Active Helicopter Blade," The Ninth International Conference
on Adaptive Structures and Technologies, Cambridge, Massachusetts,
October 14-16, 1998. **
22. |
Cesnik, C. E.
S. and Shin, S.-J., "On the Cross-Sectional Modeling of Active Helicopter
Blades," VI Pan-American Conference on Applied Mechanics,
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1999. **
23. |
Cesnik, C.
E. S. and Ortega-Morales, M., "Active Composite Beam Cross-Sectional
Modeling-Stiffness and Active Force Constants," 40th Structures,
Structural Dynamics, and Material Conference, St. Louis, Missouri,
April 12-15, 1999, AIAA-99-1548. **
24. |
Patil, M. J.,
Hodges, D. H., and Cesnik, C. E. S., "Limit Cycle Oscillations in
High-Aspect-Ratio Wings," 40th Structures, Structural Dynamics,
and Material Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, April 12-15, 1999,
AIAA-99-1464. **
25. |
Patil, M. J.,
Hodges, D. H., and Cesnik, C. E. S., "Nonlinear Aeroelasticity and
Flight Dynamics of High-Altitude Long-Endurance Aircraft," 40th
Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Material Conference, St.
Louis, Missouri, April 12-15, 1999, AIAA-99-1470. **
Of Page
26. |
Cesnik, C. E.
S., Shin, S.-J., Wilkie, W. K., Wilbur, M. L., and Mirick, P. H.,
"Modeling, Design, and Testing of the NASA/Army/MIT Active Twist
Rotor Prototype Blade," American Helicopter Society 55th Annual
Forum, Montréal, Canada, May 25-27, 1999. **
27. |
Wilkie, W. K.,
Wilbur, M. L., Mirick, P. H., Cesnik, C. E. S., and Shin, S.-J.,
"Aeroelastic Analysis of the NASA/Army/MIT Active Twist Rotor,"
American Helicopter Society 55th Annual Forum, Montreal,
Canada, May 25-27, 1999.
28. |
Volovoi, V.
V., Hodges, D. H., Cesnik, C. E. S., and Popescu, B., "Assessment
of Beam Modeling Methods for Rotor Blade Applications," American
Helicopter Society 55th Annual Forum, Montreal, Canada, May
25-27, 1999.
29. |
Patil, M. J.,
Hodges, D. H., and Cesnik, C. E. S., "Characterizing the Effects
of Geometrical Nonlinearities on Aeroelastic Behavior of High-Aspect-Ratio
Wings," International Forum on Aeroelasticity and Structural
Dynamics, Williamsburg, Virginia, June 22-25, 1999, pp. 501-510.
30. |
Patil, M. J.,
Hodges, D. H., and Cesnik, C. E. S., "Nonlinear Aeroelasticity and
Flight Dynamics of Aircraft in Subsonic Flow," ASME Mechanics
and Materials Conference, Blacksburg, Virginia, June 28-30,
1999. **
Of Page
31. |
Cesnik, C. E.
S. and Ortega-Morales, M., "Active Beam Cross-Sectional Modeling,"
SPIE's 7th International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials,
Newport Beach, California, March 5-9, 2000, Paper 3984-62. **
32. |
Zink, P. S.,
D. A. DeLaurentis, M. A. Hale, V. V. Volovoi, D. P. Schrage, J.
I. Craig, R. E. Fulton, F. Mistree, D. N. Mavris, W. Chen, K. E.
Lewis, C. E. S. Cesnik, R. J. Rohl, P. N. Koch, and T. W. Simpson,
"New Approaches to High Speed Civil Transport Multidisciplinary
Design and Optimization," 2000 IEEE Aerospace Conference,
Big Sky, Montana, March 14-25, 2000. Paper Number 351.
33. |
Cesnik, C. E.
S., Ortega-Morales, M., and Patil, M., "Active Aeroelastic Tailoring
of High Aspect Ratio Composite Wings," 41st Structures, Structural
Dynamics, and Material Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, April 3-6,
2000, AIAA-2000-1331. **
34. |
Cesnik, C. E.
S., Shin, S. J., and Wilbur, M. L., "Dynamic Response of Active
Twist Rotor Prototype Blade," AIAA/ASME/AHS Adaptive Structures
Forum, Atlanta, Georgia, April 3-6, 2000, AIAA-2000-1711. **
35. |
Patil, M.,
Hodges, D. H., and Cesnik, C. E. S., "Limit Cycle Oscillations of
a Complete Aircraft," 41st Structures, Structural Dynamics, and
Material Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, April 3-6, 2000, AIAA-2000-1395.
Of Page
36. |
Yu, W., Hodges,
D. H., Volovoi, V. V., and Cesnik, C. E. S., "Timoshenko-like Modeling
of Initially Curved and Twisted Composite Beams with Oblique Cross
Sections," 41st Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Material
Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, April 3-6, 2000.
37. |
Wilbur, M. L.,
Yeager Jr., W. T., Wilkie, W. K., Cesnik, C. E. S., and Shin, S.
J., "Hover Testing of the NASA/Army/MIT Active Twist Rotor Prototype
Blade," American Helicopter Society 56thAnnual Forum, Virginia
Beach, Virginia, May 2-4, 2000.
38. |
Cesnik, C. E.
S., Shin, S. J., Wilbur, M. L., and Wilkie, W. K., "Design and Testing
of the NASA/ARMY/MIT Active Twist Rotor Prototype Blade," 26th
European Rotorcraft Forum, The Hague, Netherlands, September
26-29, 2000, ERF 2000-68. **
39. |
Shin, S.-J.
and Cesnik, C. E. S., "Aeroelastic Analysis of Active Twist Helicopter
Rotor Blades," The Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences
(JSASS)14th International Sessions (in conjunction with the 38th
Aircraft Symposium), Sendai, Japan, October 11-13, 2000. **
40. |
Kessler, S.
S., cesnik, S. M., Atalla, M. J., Cesnik, C. E. S., and Soutis,
C., "Sensor-Based Damage Detection in Composite Materials Using
Frequency Response Methods," SPIE's 6th Annual International
Symposium on NDE for Health Monitoring and Diagnostics, Newport
Beach, California, March 4-8, 2001. **
Of Page
41. |
Radcliffe, T.
O. and Cesnik, C. E. S., "Aeroelastic Response of Multi-Segmented
Hinged Wings," Proceedings of the 42nd Structures, Structural Dynamics,
and Material Conference, Seattle, Washington, April 16-19, 2001,
AIAA Paper 2001-1371. **
42. |
Shin, S.-J.,
Cesnik, C. E. S., and Wilbur, M. L., "Forward Flight Response of
Active Twist Rotor for Helicopter Vibration Reduction," Proceedings
of the 42nd Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Material Conference,
Seattle, Washington, April 16-19, 2001, AIAA Paper 2001-1357. **
43. |
Guendel, R.
E. and Cesnik, C. E. S., "Aerodynamic Impulse Response of a Panel
Method," Proceedings of the 42nd Structures, Structural Dynamics,
and Material Conference, Seattle, Washington, April 16-19, 2001,
AIAA Paper 2001-1210. **
44. |
Wilbur, M.
L., Mirick, P. H., Yeager Jr., W. T., Langston, C. W., Cesnik, C.
E. S., and Shin, S. J., "Vibratory Loads Reduction Testing of the
NASA/Army/MIT Active Twist Rotor," American Helicopter Society 57thAnnual
Forum, Washington, DC, May 9-11, 2001.
45.. |
Cesnik, C. E.
S. and Ortega-Morales, M., "Active Aeroelastic Tailoring of Slender
Flexible Wings," International Forum on Aeroelasticity and Structural
Dynamics, Madrid, Spain, June 5-7, 2001 (to appear). **
Of Page
46. |
T. O. and Cesnik, C. E. S., "Aeroelastic Behavior of Multi-Hinged
Wings," International Forum on Aeroelasticity and Structural Dynamics,
Madrid, Spain, June 5-7, 2001 (to appear). **
Other Major Publications
1. |
Hodges, D.
H., Cesnik, C. E. S., and Fulton, M. V., "Simplified Energy Functional
for Geometrically Nonlinear Behavior of Composite Rotor Blades,"
Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Dynamics and Aeroelastic Stability
Modeling of Rotorcraft Systems, College Park, Maryland, November
19-21, 1991.
2. |
Hodges, D.
H., Cesnik, C. E. S., and Sutyrin, V. G., "A General Framework for
Static and Dynamic Analysis of Initially Twisted and Curved Composite
Beams," Proceedings of the U.S. Army Research Office Beamology Workshop,
U.S. Army Aeroflightdynamics Directorate, Ames Research Center,
Moffett Field, California, October 13, 1992.
3. |
Atilgan, A.
R., Berdichevsky, V. L., Cesnik, C. E. S., Hodges, D. H., and Sutyrin,
V. G., "Dynamics of Composite Beams," Proceedings of the Army Research
Office Workshop on Dynamic Response of Composite Structures, New
Orleans, Louisiana, August 30-September 1, 1993.
4. |
Cesnik, C.
E. S., Sutyrin, V. G., and Hodges, D. H., "A Refined Composite Rotor
Blade Theory Based on the Variational-Asymptotical Method," Proceedings
of the Fifth Workshop on Dynamics and Aeroelastic Stability Modeling
of Rotorcraft Systems, Troy, New York, October 18-20, 1993.
5. |
Hodges, D. H.,
Cesnik, C. E. S., Popescu, B., and Harursampath, D., "Composite
Rotor Blade Cross-Sectional Modeling," Sixth International Workshop
on Dynamics and Aeroelastic Stability Modeling of Rotorcraft Systems,
University of California, Los Angeles, California, November 8-10,
1995. **
Of Page
6. |
Smith, M. J.,
Hodges, D. H., and Cesnik, C. E. S., An Evaluation of Computational
Algorithms to Interface Between CFD and CSD Methodologies, WL-TR-96-3055,
Flight Dynamics Directorate, Wright Laboratory, Wright-Patterson
Air Force Base, OH, November, 1995.
7. |
Cesnik, C.
E. S., and Shin, S.-J., "Helicopter Rotor Blade Structural Modeling
with Integral Actuation," Seventh International Workshop on Dynamics
and Aeroelastic Stability Modeling of Rotorcraft Systems, St. Louis,
Missouri, October 14-16, 1997. **
8. |
Smith, M. J.,
Hodges, D. H., Cesnik, C. E. S., and Luker, J., Fluids and Structures
Interface Toolkit (FASIT) Version 1.0 Graphics-Volume 1: Technical
Development Summary, AFRL-VA-WP-TR-1998-3088, November, 1998.
9. |
Volovoi, V.
V., Hodges, D. H., Cesnik, C. E. S., and Popescu, B., "When Does
One Need a Refined Beam Theory?", Eighth International Workshop
on Aeroelasticity of Rotorcraft Systems, State College, Pennsylvania,
October 18-20, 1999.
10. |
Wilbur, M.
L., Wilkie, W. K., Yeager, W. T., Jr., Cesnik, C. E. S., and Shin,
S.-J., "Hover Testing of the NASA/ARL/MIT Active Twist Rotor," Eighth
International Workshop on Aeroelasticity of Rotorcraft Systems,
State College, Pennsylvania, October 18-20, 1999.
Of Page
11. |
Cesnik, C. E.
S., and Shin, S.-J., "On the Modeling of Active Twist Blades," Eighth
International Workshop on Aeroelasticity of Rotorcraft Systems,
State College, Pennsylvania, October 18-20, 1999. **
12. |
Cesnik, C.
E. S., Shin, S.-J., and Wilbur, M. L., "Dynamic Response of Active
Twist Blades for Vibration Suppression," AHS Specialist's Meeting
on Active Controls Technology, Bridgeport, Connecticut, October
4-5, 2000. **
13. |
Cesnik, C.
E. S., "Active Aeroelastic Tailoring," AeroSMART 2000 Workshop,
College Station, Texas, September 20-21, 2000.
14. |
Volovoi, V.
V., Hodges, D. H., Cesnik, C. E. S., and Popescu, B., "Assessment
of Beam Modeling Methods for Rotor Blade Applications," submitted
to Mathematical and Computer Modelling.
15. |
Cesnik, C.
E. S. and Ortega-Morales, M., "Active Beam Cross-Sectional Modeling"
submitted to J. of Intelligent Material Systems & Structures. **
Of Page
16. |
Cesnik, C.
E. S. and Ortega-Morales, M., "Active Aeroelastic Tailoring of High
Aspect Ratio Composite Wings" submitted to AIAA Journal. **
17. |
Dugundji, J.
and Cesnik, C. E. S., "A Simple Physical Look at Stiffness Coefficients
for Beams" submitted to AIAA Journal. **
Of Page |