10 Things to Do Every Day to Improve Your Life
NetHack links
Devnull tournament login
News Map
Christian Science Monitor
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
Engineering Our World: MIT School of Engineering E-Newsletter
Rudyard Kipling is awesome
("Pretty hip for a dead white guy," I think someone once said.)
I have less evidence on which to base my opinion of
G.K.Chesterton, but he has written some good stuff, like
The Last Hero
Teach Yourself Programming in 10 Years
Some Stuff On HTML
How To Be A Programmer
Software Release Practice HOWTO
Basic Linux and Unix Bibliography
technicat - excellent writing, including
Seven Habits of Highly Effective Programmers
Joel on Software,
reddit: Joel on Software - what's new online
Personal Development for Smart People - Steve Pavlina
Ant Manual
Zelix Klassmaster Documentation
MMO forums:
TenTonHammer (WoW)
EMS Network - a site for first responders? Interesting Hurricane Katrina links.
More blogs:
Marginal Revolution
The Huffington Post
David Friedman
The Daily WTF - samples of bad code
How to Write Unmaintainable Code
Ursus got excellent photos at Pennsic.
Balfar in the Heroic Champions Tourney
"Informed Consent" - Juan Cole's blog
The Cato Institute (Libertarian public policy research foundation)
Hello, Dollar! - financial advice site
The Mortgage Professor
Schlock Mercenary
Little Gamers
White Ninja
Sam and Fuzzy
Partway through an intro to the language
Hammer User's Guide
Other Source SDK Documentation
VERC Collective Forum (front page),
the actual forums
Coldwell Banker
Commonwealth Realtors
Harvard Extension School
Cambridge Center for Adult Ed
Lamellar armor pics, and
some more
Winds of Change.NET (War on Terror stuff... some good info... some of the "if you're anti-war,
you're anti-US" sentiment, I think)
Phil and Becky (he's serving in the US military overseas, and writes well)
malungtvnews (I think this site is trying to publicize the
London Muslim community's outlook.)
More links:
Just Cause Law Collective
Illustrations for Gravity's Rainbow
Alien Swarm: Infested
Check out May 10
Turkish Star Trek
A nice speech from Ted Kennedy
Thomas, "U.S. Congress on the Internet"
NIN + Ray Parker Jr
Hiroo Onoda learned about the end
of World War II 29 years after the fact. Amazing.
Google map of the Burning Man area
American Prospect Online, a Progressive magazine
stuff.mit.edu, and
possible future stuff for stuff
Eclipse (the game, not the development environment), and
Samurai Legends are a couple of student-written Half-Life 2 mods.
(Southern Methodist University has a computer game design
program called
The Guildhall.)
Little Fluffy Industries: Free Online Games Daily
this link:
We write to alert you to a proposed U.S. federal action to remove an important geospatial resource from the public domain. The U.S. National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) has proposed to withdraw all aeronautical data and products from public distribution.
Stuff from the CS Monitor on
Ethical Investing
FCC forms are fun!
Neat CS Monitor article on citizens running their own disaster
Some people really don't like gmail. Enough that I'm making a
separate page of links.
New Beer Tap
"Why Do You Work So Hard?" - career advice
Globe review of Basta Pasta, an outstanding restaurant
Viking action figure looks pretty accurate. I'm impressed.
Home Depot openings... The interesting thing here is apparently that Home
Depot does extensive demographic analysis before opening new branches. The claim
that I have heard is that if a Home Depot is opening somewhere, it's a safe bet
that that area will grow more populous in the near future, so it might be a
reasonable place to invest in housing.
Some democrats have written a
Dissent Regarding the Patriot Act, which I think makes for interesting reading,
and which I think makes strong arguments for rolling back some of the provisions of
the Patriot Act.
FAQ about some political quiz. I like the Libertarian book links at the end.
This is an
awesome art project. I love it. I wish I'd thought of it.
Translation of Star Wars Episode 3 from English to Chinese and back again.
Footage of an octopus kicking a shark's butt.
ACLU stuff on FBI files - I didn't find much useful here, but I figured I'd keep
the link around
ACLU links to government documents on torture. The FOIA is a good thing.
Recently (relative to August 9, 2005), The Campaign for America
put the spotlight
on some Democratic Members of Congress for "voting with the right wing on the Bankruptcy Bill,
the so-called Tort Reform bill, CAFTA and the Energy Bill." Accountability is good.
A while back, I heard a great song on the radio. It was
The Girl With the Flyaway Hair, by Annie Gallup. Based on her web site, her
stuff seems pretty neat.
Christopher Walken for President, 2008
The Washington Monthly, some political thing
The Arctic Beacon - freedom of the press is good. Fact-checking
can be cool, too.
Viking Resources for the Re-enactor - good stuff
Nice Wisby Coat reconstruction photos
Review of a book about living mortgage free by buying land, building
temporary housing next to your building site, and then building your own
Amazon carries it, and has more reviews.
Advice for web page accessibility
Lyrics for (Metallica version of)
Turn the Page, a song I love. Er. I haven't heard their version, but I love the original.
Robertson, Chavez, and Bush - An Unholy Trinity - interesting article
Michael Zalewski's site - computer security expert, seems like a cool guy,
has a
book out.
Here's an excerpt. Neat stuff.
Somehow I've also run across another interesting-looking book,
GreyDove's Songbook (includes Catalan Vengeance)
Wired article by Neal Stephenson
Energy Generating Backpack
Power Strip Alternative!
Link to Renstore.com sale on the book Arte Gladiatoria
Info on local SCA fencing practices
Time management tips from CodeProject.
Things I've Learned from British Folk Ballads
Broussard on Meet the Press - state of things in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina
Waiver to do athletic stuff at MIT
Chocolate and wine can be part of a heart-healthy diet
FEMA Internment Camp
Vikings are just Swedish pirates
Really Excellent Artwork (by Ken Wong)
Trogdor Turns 3
Battlestar Galacticsimpsons (aw, so cute)
What code DOESN'T do in real life (that it does in the movies)
The World of the Vikings
Mortgage Rate Trends
Amon Amarth - Viking Metal
Edward Tufte Courses
Stupid, Ugly, and Rich
The Skeptical Environmentalist
Video on Robert Anton Wilson
Stanford Center for Internet and Society
Toothpaste for Dinner on Second Life
Book online - The Authoritarians
LewRockwell.com ("anti-state, anti-war, pro-market")
Doubleyou Tee Eff (Operations Northwoods)
redhill.net.au is awesome
Background checks at the Canadian border
"Man files suit after Cheney encounter"
here and
here are some very cool sculptures
Religious videos with Rage's Wake Up
ISPs selling clickstream data?
Nova - Great Escape
Krazy Kat
10 Anti-Phishing Firefox Extensions
Daniel Pinkwater on Pineapple Exam: 'Nonsense on Top of Nonsense'
No Spill Kangaroo Cup
The Observatory of Economic Complexity
Free the Files - ProPublica looking into political ad spending
Jim Carrey's web site is amazing
Music trackers sound interesting
Understanding the Fourier Transform
Certification Authority Visualization
The Lambda Calculus
Chuck Close on creativity (tldr: don't procrastinate - do your work)
Geoguessr - extremely cool exploration game
Peter Neumann's home page
Gamasutra article on F2P monetization tricks
Joel on Software article about
Ask Patents, a site for improving the patent system
Interview with William Gibson, from The Paris Review
Amicus - startup helping nonprofits
Background on XKCD #1190 - Time
Cthulhu bandanas
Learn to Read Korean in 15 Minutes
Confusing Massachusetts Software Tax?
507 Mechanical Movements
NIST 800-53, a free list of recommended security controls
How a car engine works - animated illustrations
What's Up in the Solar System - diagram of space probes
A guide to staying secure from Bruce Schneier
Most popular coding fonts
(Source Code Pro or
Swartz Report: Community Engagement - place for MIT community to provide feedback about questions raised by Aaron Swartz Report
American Red Cross on Emergency Preparedness
Excellent Armour Site
Massad Ayoob on Guns
Legal Insurrection
Kind Hearts and Coronets (1949) - semi recommended by Rob, features Alec Guinness playing 8 roles
I last changed this on or after March 28, 2012.
It used to be cool to put mailto tags in home pages. Now I get a lot of spam.