Publications Biography
Measures of Effectiveness for Human Language Technology
- Jones, D., Jairam, A., Shen, W., Experimental Facility
for Measuring the Impact of Environmental Noise and Speaker
Variation on Speech-to-Speech Translation Devices,
IEEE Workshop on Spoken Language Technology, Palm Beach, Aruba,
10-13 December 2006. (Full
- Jones, D., Shen, W., Two New Experiments for ILR-Based
MT Evaluation, AMTA 2006, Boston, MA, 8 August 2006.
- Jones, D., Shen, W., Delaney, B., Toward an Interagency
Language Roundtable Based Assessment of Speech-to-Speech Translation
Abilities, AMTA 2006, Boston, MA, 8 August 2006.
- Jones, D. A., Shen, W., Weinstein, C. New Measures
of Effectiveness for Human Language Technology. Lincoln Laboratory
Journal, Vol. 15, no. 2, 2005. (Full
- Jones, Douglas A., Wade Shen, Elizabeth Shriberg, Andreas
Stolcke, Teresa Kamm, Douglas Reynolds. Two Experiments
Comparing Reading with Listening for Human Processing of Conversational
Telephone Speech.
In Proceedings of Interspeech 2005, 9th European Conference
on Speech Communication and Technology. 2-4 September, Lisbon,
- Jones, Douglas A., Wade Shen, Neil Granoien, Martha Herzog,
Clifford Weinstein. 2005. Measuring Translation Quality
by Testing English Speakers with a New Defense Language Proficiency
Test for Arabic. In proceedings of
2005 International Conference on Intelligence Analysis, 2-6
May 2005, McLean, VA.
- Jones, Douglas A., Edward Gibson, Wade Shen, Neil Granoien,
Martha Herzog, Douglas Reynolds, Clifford Weinstein. Measuring
Human Readability of Machine Generated Text: Studies in Speech
Recognition and Machine Translation.
In proceedings of 2005 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics,
Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 18-23 March, 2005,
Philadelphia, PA, USA. Special Session on Human Language
Technology: Applications and Challenge of Speech Processing.
- Ann Harrison. "Machines Not Lost in Translation"
Wired News, 9 March 2005.
- Clifford, R., Granoien, N., Jones, D. A., Shen, W., Weinstein,
C. J. The Effect of Text Difficulty on Machine Translation
Performance -- A Pilot Study with ILR-Rated Texts in Spanish,
Farsi, Arabic, Russian and Korean. In Proc. 4th International
Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation in Lisbon,
Portugal, ELRA, 24-30 May 2004.
(Text Abstract)
(Full Paper)
- Jones, D., Wolf. F., Gibson, E., Williams, E., Fedorenko,
F., Reynolds, D. A., Zissman, M., Measuring the Readability
of Automatic Speech-to-Text Transcripts, In Proc. Eurospeech
in Geneva, Switzerland, ISCA, 1-4 September 2003.
(Text Abstract)
(Full Paper)
Speaker Identification
- Campbell, W. M., Campbell, J. P., Reynolds, D. A., Jones, D.
A., and Leek, T. R., High-Level Speaker Verification with Support
Vector Machines. In Proc. International Conference on Acoustics,
Speech, and Signal Processing in Montréal, Québec,
Canada, IEEE, pp. I: 73-76, 17-21 May 2004.
(Text Abstract)
(Full Paper)
- Reynolds, D. A., Campbell, J. P., Campbell, W. M., Dunn, R.
B., Gleason, T. P., Jones, D. A., Quatieri, T. F., Quillen, C. B.,
Sturim, D. E., and Torres-Carrasquillo, P. A., Beyond Cepstra:
Exploiting High-Level Information in Speaker Recognition. In
Proc. Workshop on Multimodal User Authentication in Santa Barbara,
California, pp. 223-229, 11-12 December 2003.
(Text Abstract) (Full Paper)
- Campbell, W. M., Campbell, J. P., Reynolds, D. A., Jones, D.
A., and Leek, T. R., Phonetic Speaker Recognition with Support
Vector Machines. In Proc. Neural Information Processing Systems
Conference in Vancouver, British Columbia, pp. 1377-1384, 8-13 December
(Text Abstract)
(Full Paper)
- Campbell, J. P., Campbell, W. M., Jones, D. A., Lewandowski,
S. M., Reynolds, D. A., and Weinstein, C. J., Biometrically
Enhanced Software-Defined Radios. In Proc. Software Defined Radio
Technical Conference in Orlando, Florida, SDR Forum, 17-19 November
(Text Abstract)
(Full Paper)
- Hazen, T.J., Jones, D.A., Park, A., Kukolich, L.C., Reynolds,
D.A., Integration of Speaker Recognition into Conversational Spoken
Dialogue Systems, In Proc. Eurospeech in Geneva, Switzerland, ISCA,
1-4 September 2003.
(Text Abstract) (Full Paper)
- Reynolds, D., Andrews, W., Campbell, J., Navratil, J., Peskin,
B., Adami, A., Jin, Q., Klusacek, D., Abramson, J., Mihaescu,
R., Godfrey, J., Jones, D., and Xiang, B., The SuperSID Project:
Exploiting High-level Information for High-accuracy Speaker
Recognition. Special Session on Exploiting High-Level Information
for High-Performance Speaker Recognition. In Proc. International
Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing in Hong
Kong, IEEE, April 2003.*
[Abstract] [Paper]
- Peskin, B., J. Navratil, J. Abramson, D.A. Jones, D. Klusacek,
D. A. Reynolds, B. Xiang, Using Prosodic and Conversational
Features for High Performance Speaker Recognition: Report
from Johns Hopkins University Workshop 2002 Manuscript submitted
to ICASSP 2003 Special Session. [Abstract]
Machine Translation
- Jones, D. and Rusk, G. Toward a Scoring Function for Quality
Driven Machine Translation. In Proceedings at the Conference
for Computational Linguistics
(COLING-2000) in Saarbruecken, Germany, August 2000.
- Jones, D. and Havrilla, R. Twisted Pair Grammar: Support
for Rapid Development of Machine Translation of Low Density
Languages. in the proceedings of the Association of Machine
Translation in the Americas. 1998.
- Jones, D. and Kuo, C. Working Notes on Exploring Parsing
Resources from Bilingual Text. Proceedings and Final Team
Technical Reports of the Language Engineering Workshop for Students
and Professionals: Integrating Research Education. Johns Hopkins
University. 1998.
- Jones, D. and Li, L. A Study of Two Chinese Translations
of Syntactic Structures. UMIACS TR-95-122, University of
Maryland. 1995. [Report]
Computational Lexicon
- Dorr, B. and Jones, D. Acquisition of Semantic Lexicons
in Breadth and Depth of Semantic Lexicons, edited by
Evelyne Viegas. Kluwer Press. 1999.
- Kohl, K. T, Jones, D. A., Berwick, R. C., Cho, F., Khan, Zeeshan,
and Nomura, N. Using WordNet for Linguistics. In Christiane
Fellbaum (Ed), WordNet: An Electronic Lexical Database and Some
of its Applications. MIT Press. 1998.
- Dorr, B. and Jones, D. Role of Word Sense Disambiguation
in Lexical Acquisition: Predicting Semantics from Syntactic
Cues. in the proceedings of COLING 1996. [Paper]
- Dorr, B. and Jones, D. Acquisition of Semantic Lexicons:
Using Word Sense Disambiguation to Improve Precision. in
the proceedings of SIGLEX-96, Special Interest Group on the
Lexicon. 1996. [Paper]
- Jones, D. Predicting Semantics from Syntactic Cues ---
Evaluating Levin's English Verb Classes and Alternations,
UMIACS TR-95-121, University of Maryland. 1995. [Report]
- R. C. Berwick, D. Jones, F. Cho, Z. Kahn, K. Kohl, A. Radhakrishnan,
U. Sauerland, and B. Ulicny Issues in Modern Lexical Theory:
the (E)VCA Project. In Proceedings of the Post-COLING94
International Workshop on Directions of Lexical Research, Tsinghua
University, Beijing, 47-61. 1994.
- Jones, D. (ed). Working Papers and Projects on Verb Class
Alternations in Bangla, German, English, and Korean Contributions
by Franklin Cho, Doug Jones, Karen Kohl, Khan, Zeeshan., Anand
Radhakrishnan, Ulrich Sauerland, and Brian Ulicny. MIT AI Memo
1517. 1994. [Report]
- Berwick, R. C., Nomura, N. and Jones, D. Toward a Radical
Shared Lexicon. In the proceedings of KBamp;KS 1994.
- Nomura, N, Jones, D. and Berwick, R. C. An Architecture
for a Universal Lexicon: A Case Study on Shared Syntactic
Information in Japanese, Hindi, Bengali, Greek, and English.
In the proceedings of COLING 1994. [Paper]
Theoretical Linguistics
- Binding as an Interface Condition: An Investigation
of Hindi Scrambling . Doctoral Dissertation, distributed
by MIT Working Papers in Linguistics, Cambridge, MA.
1993. [PDF]
- Control and Reconstruction Effects of Adjuncts in Hindi.
(in the proceedings of the Northeast Linguistics Society NELS
22). 1992. [PDF]
- Scrambling, Control and Reconstruction Effects of Adjuncts
in Hindi, manuscript, MIT. 1991.
- Cyclic and Noncyclic Word Stress in German, manuscript,
MIT. 1991.
- Models of Phonological Grammars, MA Thesis, Stanford.
Doug Jones is a member of the technical staff in the Information
Systems Technology Group at MIT Lincoln Laboratory. His background includes
A.B. and A.M. degrees in Linguistics from Stanford University
specializing in computational phonology, and a Ph.D. in linguistics
from the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology specializing in Hindi syntax. He completed postdoctoral
work on computational theories of verb structure at MIT's
Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, and the University of
Maryland's Institute for Advanced Computer Studies (UMIACS).
Dr. Jones has held research positions in the U.S. government
with the Department of Defense where he specialized in machine
translation for world minority languages, and at National
Institute of Standards and Technology where he helped launch
a Chinese-English cross language information retrieval study.
The main focus of his research is leveraging the inherent
structure of linguistic patterns for the design of large-scale
human language processing systems. Since 2002, his focus has
been to adapt military standards of foreign language testing
for machine translation evaluation. He is working to develop
a common measure both for human language learners and for machine
translation technology, the purpose being to influence technology
in ways that best enable people to accomplish foreign language
tasks. He has published numerous papers in the field of computational
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