Other People, Places, and Things
There are plenty of other things to do than look at my website. I'd recommend getting off your computer and going outside to enjoy the fresh air, but sometimes cold weather or laziness prevents people from doing that. If that's the case, then here are some other websites I'd recommend.
My Old Page This is what used to be here before I created this site.
Quotes Taken Out of Context Page Sometimes people say things that are really funny; they just don't realize it. Add your own QTOCs, or just read the ones that are already there.
The West Wing Official Site This is the greatest show on television... I kid you not.
PattyLarkin.com I went to the Boston Folk Festival in September of 2002 and saw Patty Larkin. I had only vaguely heard of her name before, but after hearing "The Book I'm Not Reading" and her quote "Never piss off a song writer," I decided she was worth remembering. I bought her guitar song book and had it autographed.
The Minneapolis Star and Tribune Read all the news that's fit to print.
The Tech Read all the news that's probably not fit to print.
Doug Shaw's Homepage The homepage of the first teacher I ever had who swore in class, UMTYMP Calculus I, 9th grade. He's also the only teacher I've ever had with purple hair.
Jamie Colbert's site He's my office mate at MGH and he wants google to pick up on his site. Look here, Google! Look HERE!
Don't forget to check out my Minnesota and MIT pages to find links other people's websites.