I went to MIT. (Now I live in San Francisco at Langton Labs and work at Google.)
- summer 2008
- living
- pika, in the Rainbow with punya and/or felipe
- work
- stuff
- spring 2007
- living
- pika, in the Rainbow with bergey
- classes
- 6.875, cryptography, silvio micali
- 6.841, advanced complexity theory, madhu sudan
- work
- TAing 6.170 (software engineering lab)
- thesis (amock), other PAG stuff
- arts
- concert choir: carmina burana and britten's "sacred and profane"
- stuff
- iap 2007
- living
- work
- RA/thesis for Program Analysis Group
- stuff
- Mystery Hunt: Hell with Mayhem
- arts
- mtg: clarinet for "reefer madness"
- fall 2006
- living
- classes
- 6.854, advanced algorithms, david karger
- 6.830, databases, sam madden
- work
- RA for Program Analysis Group
- arts
- concert choir: carmina burana and britten's "sacred and profane"
- stuff
- isshinryu karate-do: advanced to blue belt
- summer 2006
- living
- pika, in the Rainbow with Max
- Hebrew University Givat Ram campus Liberman Dormitories,
Jerusalem, with Anna
- work
- RA for Program Analysis Group
- spring 2006
- living
- pika, in the Maze with Anna.
- classes
- 21f.304, french 4, johann sadock
- 6.033, systems engineering, kaashoek, rinard, liskov, et al
- 6.003, signals and systems, denny freeman
- 6.891, adventures in advanced symbolic programming, gerry sussman, chris hanson
- arts
- concert choir: Brahms German Requiem, an exchange with the
EPFL/UniLausanne choir!
- work
- UROP for Program Analysis Group
- stuff
- returned to isshinryu karate-do
- iap 2006
- living
- stuff
- taught a Haskell class for SIPB
- Mystery Hunt (SPIES by Random) with Mayhem
- work
- UROP for Program Analysis Group
- fall 2005
- living
- pika, in the loft!
- house manager with Bergey. ran work week with Max.
- classes (apparently I am course 6 now)
- 7.012, bio 1, eric lander and robert weinberg
- 6.170, software engineering, daniel jackson and srini devadas
- 6.825, techniques in AI, tomas lozano-perez
- 6.uat, tony eng
- 18.404, computability and complexity, michael sipser
- 6.046, algorithms, erik demaine and charles leiserson
- arts
- played clarinet for star wars: musical edition with MTG
- work
- more code monkey for best practical
- summer 2005
- living
- sometimes, in pika in the Knot with mike nagle!
- sometimes, in the hostel portal del sur in buenos aires with anna!
- sometimes, in philly with my parents!
- work
- spring 2005
- living
- pika, alone in the Knot. big cook with various folks.
- got elected House Manager (along with Max for now). eek.
- spent spring break in the bay area with anna
- classes
- slavic a (at harvard) again. gah, the pain. at least i like the language.
- 18.704, algebra seminar in finite field geometry, david vogan
- 6.115, frickin' awesome microcontroller lab class. i made a robot with a JIT Logo compiler onboard! steven leeb!
- 17.42, causes and prevention of war, stephen van evera!
- arts
- concert choir: mozart requiem, bach nun ist das Heil und die Kraft, harbison abraham, mozart ave verum corpus,
beethoven Elegischer Gesang
- work
- iap 2005
- living
- stuff
- built a robot for the MASLab competition with
Max Avener, Yuan Shen, and Ali Ghajarnia. Team Hefty Smurf's Swiss Cheese Bot found and picked up five balls!
- played in Setec Astronomy's Normalville Mystery Hunt with Project Electric Mayhem; again came in ~third (along with
basically everyone else).
- fall 2004
- living
- pika, still single in the Rainbow. big cook for Tuesdays (first with Edwin, then with Shefali and Tucker); I've been tracking
my recipes and hope to post them online at some point.
- finished term as rush chair, still lgc rep and lgc co-rush chair (not for too long!)
- went to vegas for rax's birthday party!
- classes
- 18.905, algebraic topology, shelley harvey
- 18.994, differential geometry seminar on minimal surfaces, emma carberry, awesome!
- slavic a (at harvard), intro to russian, theoretically with patricia chaput, actually with kyongjoon kwon and natalia georgevna
- 21m.271, symphony and concerto, lindgren
- 6.004, computation structures (or something, really it's the "from transistors to operating systems" class)
- arts
- acted in the ensemble of MTG's How to Succeed in Business without Really Trying
- work
- Lab assistant for 6.001
- grading 18.901
- summer 2004
- living
- at lafayette college, watson courts B13 with Ben Hummon of vassar.
- still pika's rush chair and lgc rep. also, the lgc co-rush chair with Suki. made the LGC rush book for the fall.
- spent a week at the beginning of the summer in the Bay Area with Anna, Aron, and Dylan; went backpacking at Point Reyes,
and to Yosemite, and more
- spent two weeks in munich, berlin, and brussells with Will, Gretchen, and Katie Gradowski
- arts
- uh, i read ulysses and stuff.
- work
- NSF-funded math REU at Lafayette College, did work on the hyperbolic geometry of the complements of knotted graphs, under
John Meier with Kevin Penderghast, Lori McDonnell, and Mary Vacha
- stuff
- learned to juggle from my roommate
- actually had a few moments to myself
- spring 2004
- living
- pika, single in the Rainbow. Cleaning, with Jake and then with Charlie.
- elected LGC rep at beginning of term. elected rush chair (with Marc) in April.
- classes
- 18.702 (algebra; artin)
- 18.781 (theory of numbers; stanley)
- 18.821 (project lab in math; artin); working with Marc Rios and Joelle Brichard on
knot colorings, bond percolation, and zeros of generating functions
- 21m.600 (intro to acting; ouelette)
- 6.002x (circuits and systems; sussman and abelson; TA shoulin sam)
- arts
- props designer (with lisa messeri) and conrade/messenger for Ensemble's Much Ado About Nothing
- Concert Choir (pubdir), performing Brahms motets, Stravinsky Mass, and world premiere of Cutter Lauda Sion
- work
- teaching 6.001 in ESG
- occasional e33 stuff
- technically still an rcc
- stuff
- isshinryu rocks. because of class schedules and Much Ado, barely went for the first month and a half of term,
but am now back with a passion.
- iap 2004
- living
- pika, in the rush, with Jake. Well, unofficially at least.
- Spent the first
two weeks in the Bay Area with Anna.
- arts
- Spot Op for MTG's Bat Boy.
- stuff
- Played in Kappa Sig's Time Bandits Mystery Hunt with Project Electric Mayhem;
came in ~third.
- fall 2003
- living
- 5e, Goodale 506. On pika meal plan, cooking with Johanna (second half I think
I cleaned or something).
- classes
- 18.701 (algebra; artin)
- 18.901 (topology; munkres) (did I mention I declared 18?)
- 17.471 (national security policy; meyer, TA col. rojko)
- 3.091 (solid state chem; sadoway, TA david paul)
- 21M.302 (theory 2; shadle, piano LA elaine kwon, singing LA pamela wood)
- arts
- techiya (pubdir)
- concert choir (pubdir); performing Bach Magnificat and
Britten Ceremony of Carols.
- ASM/Cameraman for Shakespeare Ensemble's Antigone.
- occasionally, tech squares.
- work
- Tutor/grader for ESG 8.012.
- RCC.
- Occasional e33.
- stuff
- Apparently on SIPB's Executive Council, although so are all
the other active voting members.
- Still doing Isshinryu (white belt).
- summer 2003
- living
- arts
- In the chorus of MITGASP's Carmen in Concert in Kresge, which wasn't
actually in concert, but was certainly Carmen.
- Failed to put on a street performance of The Fantasticks
- Played clarinet for MTG's Into the Woods.
- Went to Tech Squares a lot, and was the world's most useless member at large.
- work
- stuff
- Became a SIPB member.
- Started going to Isshinryu Karate-Do.
- Spent a week with Anna in the Dine Nation in Arizona.
- spring 2003
- living
- I lived at Fifth East in Bemis 604.
Was on pika meal plan, cooked with Arjun.
- classes
- 6.001 (structure and interpretation
of cheesy pasta; would have had Matt Peters for TA and Konrad Tollmar for RA and
Grimson for lecturer had I bothered to show up)
- 21M.301 (harm and counterpoint; Ellen Harris)
- 21M.606 (stagecraft; all of Rinaldi)
- 8.022 (physics II w/ more math, through ESG; Peter Dourmashkin)
- 18.s66 (the art of counting; Richard Stanley)
- SP.272 (integrated studies program, through ESG; Jimmy Rising and Amilio Alves) (DROPPED)
- arts
- Still in Techiya (they made me Secretary/PubDir).
- Still in Concert Choir (they made my PubDir at the end of term, meanies);
we performed Rachmaninoff's Vespers and Foss' Psalms.
- Performed (yes, I actually acted, kind of) in Dramashop's Playwrights
in Performance; I was Jeremy in Erin Conwell's "Life With Better Dialogue"
directed by Alan Brody.
- I still do Tech Squares when I can.
- Concert Choir conflicted with MTG's Clue, but I still did a few
set builds and strike.
- work
- Taught SAT prep class for ESP
- Occasional theatre tech for e33
- Hired as RCC at end of term
- stuff
- iap 2003
- living
- classes
- arts
- I stage managed MTG's production
of Star Wars: Musical Edition. Come see it January 31st and February
1-2 and 6-8!
- I took the glasslab beginner class.
- stuff
- I coordinated SIPB's IAP Lecture
Series on Individual Rights in a Digital World; we invited Barry Steinhardt
of the ACLU and Dan Geer of @stake to speak (in addition to Nenette Day of the FBI,
but that was dress rehearsal for Star Wars).
- I played in the Mystery Hunt
on ACRONYM; we came in second!
- fall 2002
- living
- I live in East Campus
on First East
in Walcott 103 (phone 5-6148). It is a nice place to live with
good people and all.
- I spend a lot of time
on the halls Third East
and Fifth East, and at
the ILGs Pika (I'm on their
meal plan too, cleaning) and tEp.
- classes
- I take some of my classes at ESG
- 18.03
with Jerry Orloff (differential equations)
- 8.012
with Peter Dourmashkin (physics I, extra math).
- 18.100B
with Richard Melrose (analysis)
- 21M.030
with Patricia Tang (intro to world music).
- I am also in the Freshman Advising Seminar Arts Program with Alan Brody;
this means that I get to go to a bunch of concerts and the like for free
with my adviser and a small group. And talk about art.
- arts
- Concert Choir; this
fall, we are performing Beethoven's Mass in C Major and two motets
by Brahms.
- I am in Techiya, MIT's
Jewish a cappella group.
- I am taking the Tech
Squares square-dancing class this fall; not only is it fun, I
even get PE credit for it.
- I worked on the light crew and ran follow-spot for
MTG's production of Assassins
at the very beginning of term (their summer show).
- I played clarinet in the pit orchestra for MTG's High Society, their fall show.
- In some weird theoretical sense I was the set crew for
the Shakespeare Ensemble's
production of Twelfth Night. Except they didn't end up having a set
or something. Who knows. I did like watching it.
- stuff
- I am a SIPB Prospective; I am
helping to organize their IAP
Once in a while I sleep.