CGI Collaboration
in Applied Biological
The major goal of this training program is to expedite translation of basic science into meaningful solutions to today's global health problems. This is an innovative educational program in which the teaching and learning enterprise is done by faculty, staff and students working together as a team. Only by working as a team can we assure that graduate students are optimally empowered not only with key knowledge, but also with necessary skills to take on leadership roles in bioscience translation. This program is as much about transmitting an effective philosophical approach, research strategies, and standards of excellence as it is about the specific subject mater. Indeed, students who graduate from this program will not only be poised to become tomorrow's research leaders, but they will also be prepared for a broad range of important societal roles in areas such as politics, law and industry. Together, we can lead the way in leveraging bioscience research to achieve substantive improvements in health and economic welfare.
A second goal of this program is to help train the next generation of Thai educators. The GCI has assembled a world-class group of junior faculty, who are in the process of building strong research programs. The junior faculty will be teaching partners with the MIT-CGI team in the CGI Core Courses and, over a five year period, will increasingly take responsibility for classroom education. The visiting faculty from MIT, Harvard, Yale and Johns Hopkins University take seriously our responsibility to work with these talented, energetic young educators and researchers, in order to best prepare them to take leadership roles in the international community of scholars.