Legend for Resources
The following icons are used to describe the different classes of resources available here.
Link to Another Webpage
This is either a remote webpage, another resource node, or a resource which requires its own organizational structure (that is, its own mini-website).
General Resource
General developed resource, often for general use and a well-defined applicability. These are
type resources, contrasted with tools, below.
General Tool
General developed tool, often for general use and a well-defined purpose. These are
type resources, contrasted with the resources above.
Historical Resource
Historical resource, designed for a particular event or goal, but which may be used to design new things for current events and goals.
Idea for Development
Undeveloped resource: a potentiality to be pursued by anyone who's interested.
A Notable Piece of Information
Information which someone might find useful, but hardly deserves the name of a resource.