Enclosed please find documents that might be considered our "SCA resumes". Since our experiences haven't followed any rigid structure, we've used more of a narrative timeline than a strict resume format. You may reprint them to other SCA related lists. Thanks, -Yeliz -+-+-+-+- Yelizaveta Medvedeva (mundanely Elizabeth Lear) Some of these dates are approximate, as I wasn't keeping close track. My first experience with the SCA was in early 1985, when I was a student at Boston University and my parents took me to my first event. They were Mountain Freeholders, but they came to Carolingia for an event and brought me along. I found it interesting, but was too busy to join. After several quiet years, I joined the SCA in the spring of 1991. I participated in several demos and attended a number of events, and since I had a background in costuming, I became a garb merchant along with my (now ex-)husband. We were known as "The Emperor's New Clothes", and merchanted at events all over the East and at Pennsic. We did that for several years until our separation in 1994. In ~1993 or so, I started Middle Eastern Dance practice for the Barony. I handed it over other teachers in ~1995, and it's run in fits and starts since then, but has managed to struggle onwards. I've also taught ME drumming over the years. During that time, I also sang with the Quire, acted and sang in several plays (my favorite being "The Knight of the Burning Pestle"), worked on several events doing things like reservation clerk, gate, and kitchen help, and generally tried to make myself useful. I have taught numerous classes, mostly focusing on aspects of Russian period life, including music, society, and clothing. I received my AOA in 1994 and became the apprentice of Mistress Gwendolyn of Middlemarch, studying theatre and music. I spent a couple of years performing intermezzi for I Sebastiani, the Commedia del arte troupe. I received my Troubador in 1997 for singing and acting, and became a member of the Carolingian Order of the Moon (arts) in 1998, and of the Daystar (service) in 1999. I was made a Companion of the Manche in 1998 for Diverse Arts. In 1995, I became a member of House Windsmeet, a chartered Carolingian household. In 1992 I became the Baronial Historian, a position I held until about 1998 I think. Also at about that time, I created the 'sca-east' mailing list (sca-east@indra.com), which I have been running on behalf of the East Kingdom ever since. In 1996, I was appointed Seamstress to the Crown by Bjorn and Morgen for assiting them in clothing Bjorn, Morgen's son (I've forgotten his name!), and the Royal Pages. I also received Morgen's favor, a pewter medallion of a rebek (a stringed instrument, and the chief device of Morgen's arms - only 12 of these were made for her, and 12 bears rampant were made for Bjorn). I also have worked on costumes for many of the Barony's productions, and was the costume designer for THE TAMING OF THE SHREW in 1998. That came in handy when I contributed a custom-made Italian dress for the EK Travel Fund auction a few months later. In ~1996 I became the Guildmistress of the Quire. I stepped down in 2000, but still sing with them now and then. I expect to go back full-time at some point after I recover from the 4 years of directing. :) One major benefit of the Quire was that I met my husband, Shi Hua Fu (Dan Ritter) when we were introduced by a mutual friend who was in the Quire. Hua Fu and I were married in July 2000. I took up archery in 1995. I am an archery marshal, and a Master Bowman, though I am creeping up on the rank of Grand Master and should get there before too long. I have been on the Archery Champions Team for the East Kingdom in 1999, 2000, and 2001 (Pennsics XXVIII, XXIX, and XXX). I also shoot in the Bay State Games. I have run or helped run archery at several events including Boredom War, and I am generally found marshaling or teaching "crossbow 101" at the range at Pennsic. I offer practices by appointment at our home in Waltham, and have been coaching new archers. I was made a member of the Carolingia Order of the Perseus (Arts Martial) in 1999, and I am currently the Principal of the Order. In 1999, Hua Fu and I took the position of Liber Editors, maintaining and publishing the Baronial phonebook. I still act and sing, and was in the company of the production of "An Evening of Shakespeare" in Feb 2001 which received The Queen's Gift of the Golden Lyre from Isabella. I also do leatherworking (archery tackle as well as other more general useful items like coronet boxes), and I keep up with misc other arts and activities. I like to dabble, and have tried just about all of the A&S activites offered under the umbrella of the Society. I don't have time to do them all in any formal group, but I like to keep my hand in.