Resume for Aleksandr Ruslanovich ("Yevsha") AWARDS: Master of the Laurel (for Storytelling and Performance) Grant of Arms Order of the Manche Award of Arms Troubador King's Cypher, Brion King's Cypher, Timothy II King's Order of Excellence Order of the Moon Order of the Daystar Additionally, I hold part of the collective Trobadour issued to i Sebastiani, and the King's Order of Excellence issued to the Proprietors of Le Poulet Gauche. BARONIAL OFFICES: Principal of the Order of the Moon (current) First Speaker of the Storytellers of Carolingia (current) Capocomico for i Sebastiani (current) Manager and co-founder of Le Poulet Gauche Former baronial chronicler and co-chronicler Former deputy minister of A&S Former deputy chief of mummers AUTOCRAT/CO-AUTOCRAT Maslenitsa, March 1994 Festival of Storytelling, September 1996 House Runnymead Dinner, August 2000 (also head cook) Co-autocrat: several Poulet Gauche events/appearances Co-autocrat: Festival of Storytelling II (also head cook) THEATRICAL PERFORMANCES: 40+ shows with i Sebastiani Assorted short mummings The Evil Woman (director) Wit & Science Knight of the Burning Pestle George a Greene Valentine & Orson (director) The Tempest The Taming of the Shrew Atawell's Jig Shakespeare Directing Workshop (director and actor) PUBLICATIONS/WRITINGS: 10+ scenari for i Sebastiani 16th Century German Naming Practices (The Minuscule) On Russian Folklore (The Minuscule; Slovo) The Codex Fabliauum (editor and contributor; on-line) CLASSES: Building a 16th century trestle-table (with Robur du Roestoc) Researching & Being Your Persona Introduction to SCA Performance Introduction to Storytelling Advanced Storytelling Late Period Ukrainian Clothing (upcoming) How to Have a More Period Pennsic On Being a Retainer Historic Table Service OTHER: Authorized fighter Former Storyteller to the King (Bardic Champion) Member of the Couer du Flamme tourney company