What to Bring to Legends of Chivalry
If it is your first camping event
Myndroh, Sept 12, 2001 (v2.01)
Tibicen, Sept 10, 1998 (v2)
Note: This document is a version of "What to bring to events 1.1"
Part the First: The Very Serious Bit
While the point of SCA events is to "have fun" and "escape the
mundane world", do not let yourself get so caught up in the good vibes
you forget about very real potential problems. When attending any SCA
Event - or for that matter any event that takes you off campus for a
considerable length of time, SCA or not - PLEASE bring the
following Common Sense items:
- (1) Your student ID and/or a driver's licence.
- Besides being useful for carding doors, these little pieces of
plastic are good for an amazing number of uses, from student discounts
(your Student ID), to the legitimate operation of motor vehicles in dire
emergency (the drivers licence), to pacifying Angry and/or Suspicious
important people (police officers, university staff, etc.), to
identifying your unconscious body (heaven forfend!).
- (2) Your house keys.
- There's nothing like standing on the front steps of Random or New
House, in garb, at 3am, waiting for the night watch to wander by front
desk and hear the phone ringing. Or you could try calling a roommate,
who will no doubt be overjoyed to hear from you.
- (3) Any legal medications you need.
- If you are an asthmatic, bring the damn inhaler. If you are
diabetic, bring your insulin. If you are allergic to bee stings,
bring your sting kit. Even if you just have been taking
over-the-counter antihistamines for a head cold, bring your own - the
medical staff on site cannot dispense medication (no, not even
aspirin!). Even if you're convinced "I haven't had an attack in
years", bring your medication just in case. (e.g. The Saga of
Caterina's Four Day Long Asthma Attack)
- (3a) If you need one, a med-alert bracelet!
- This is the exact circumstance for which they were designed: being
with people who have no idea of your medical history, for a long time,
away from home, doing new things, breathing new air, and eating new
- (4) Emergency money: including
- (a) either at least a dollar in small change, or (better yet)
a calling card.
- (b) $15 for an emergency cab ride. It is almost unheard of that
this is necessary - in almost every circumstance you can find someone
to give you a lift (one of the SCA's conceits is that we take care of
our own). But being able to get a cab (say if the car you're riding
in breaks down on the way home, and someone needs to go for help) may
make an otherwise nightmarish situation merely frightening and
inconvenient. Credit cards can sometimes stand in, but are not so
flexible as cash; they are, on the other hand, better for longer
trips. (e.g. Saga of the Known World Music & Dance Collegium, or All
Automotive Repair Places In Pennsylvania Are Closed On Sundays)
- (5) Physical comforts
- Such as a pair of emergency dry socks, a coat, a change of
clothing, an umbrella - whatever you think you would miss most if you
found it suddenly necessary. People who know they'll be grumpy if not
fed should bring emergency munchies (in case the feast emerges later
than your hunger). If you know of certain items that will make the
difference for you between being somewhat miserable/uncomfortable and
having a grand time, bring them! (e.g. Ode to Jehanneton's Wool Rag
- (5a) WOMEN: blood is so hard to wash out of garb;
accomodate yourself appropriately before leaving for the event.
- (6) A sense of humor, and an appetite for adventure.
- Things Go Wrong, Bad Things Happen, Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi Est.
MIT students are renown for grace under pressure; SCAdians aspire to
chivalry in the face of adversity. Remember, the worse the situations
you survive, the better the No Sh*t stories you'll have to tell.
(e.g. The Saga of Warrior Bus Lines)
Part the Second: The Check List
Here is a checklist for Things to Bring to Legends of Chivalry.
It's a suggestion: edit as you see fit. You might want to print this
out and stick it on the back of your door, or where ever you'll see it
before packing.
Remember, while you may not be bringing an item yourself, be sure to
make sure it's getting there if you'll want it.
- Survival kit: ID, keys, medications, emergency money, comforts
- The site fee ($15 for arriving Friday, $10 for arriving Saturday,
$8 for Saturday only).
- Garb, including: the garments, the belt, shoes, beltpouch,
lacings, hat, jewelry, pins, and anything else you'll want to
wear. Gentlemen: if you are borrowing a tunic, try to bring black
jeans or sweatpants to wear with it.
- Mundane Clothing: both change of clothes for emergency and layers
you can put on underneath your garb if it gets very cold.
- Outerwear: cloak, coat, jacket, etc. Doesn't have to be period,
just in case it gets very cold (this is New England).
- Sleeping gear: sleeping bag, blankets, pillows, etc.
- Toilettries: Hair brush, tooth brush, toothpaste, contact lens
solution, towel, soap, etc. There are reputedly showers with hot
water. Whatever you'll need when you wake up to prepare yourself to
meet the day.
- Whatever you need to get there and back: train tickets, car
keys, subway tokens, The Directions To The Site (even if
you're not driving -- print out your own copy), etc.
- Flashlight. This site is astonishingly dark after sundown.
- Bug spray and sun screen.
- Tools of the trade: if you're planning on doing something
specific, bring the necessary equipment (e.g. If you don't
bring your instruments, you can't play in the band; if you
don't bring your armor, you can't fight on the lists)
- Emergency repair equipment: needle & thread, ducttape, safety
pins - whatever is most likely to repair what is most likely
to be broken.
- Money, if you plan to shop while you are there (there will be
Part the Third: A few notes on Legends of Chivalry
Going there...
If you're a driver, be sure you have directions, and have reviewed
them for sanity before setting out; know both the Scadian and mundane
names of your passengers, if any, and how to get a hold of them in an
If you're a passenger, be sure you have a copy of the directions; know
both the Scadian and mundane names of you driver, and how to get a
hold of them in an emergency.
Make sure you have everything you need ready long beforehand and that
you know where you're meeting your ride/passengers. Wake up on time,
show up early.
When you arrive...
When you check in, you will be asked if you have a reservation. Say
"Yes", because your motherly provost made sure you do. The reservation
should be under your own mundane name -- for instance, Tibicen's
reservation will be under ["Vanessa Layne"] instead of ["Domna
Guiraude"]. Check your name off the list, and follow the instructions
that the Gatekeeper tells you.
Once checked in at Gate...
If you're sleeping over, figure out which cabin you're in; you can
ask around to the "Mitgaard Cabin" (or whichever cabin you're staying
in). Lug your stuff there, and change into garb. Prepare your
sleeping place, so you can just fall into bed at 2am if necessary. Go
have fun.
If you're not sleeping over, you can still stow your stuff in
Mitgaard's cabin.
There is a "dayboard" (lunch, help yourselves) Saturday, included
in the on-board fee. If you are arriving Friday, you should have
dinner before you arrive, or bring it with you, as there are no
provissions for provisions before Saturday. For Saturday and Sundary
mornings, we'll bring breakfast stuffs (bagels, fruit, at least), and
if there are leftovers from the feast, they will also be available.
If this might not be sufficient food, you might want to pack some in
with you.
The Feast is a "dusk" -- check at the gate when you check in as to
what time it is scheduled for. You can sit anywhere except high table
(unless asked by the Royalty). Mitgaard will probably sit together.
If you meet someone interesting and are invited to eat with them, we
encourage you to accept -- you can eat with us any time, so it
would be a special opportunity to get to know someone else. Just find
us to pick up feastgear. Similarly, if you meet someone interesting,
feel free to invite them to eat with you, with Mitgaard.
USE A SCADIAN NAME. We will not call you "Um, ah..." or "I don't
really have a name yet", so don't introduce yourself that way. And if
you don't have one by then, I will introduce you as
"John/Jeanne Newcomer the " (as appropriate to
gender). IT'S BEEN DONE BEFORE. AND IT STUCK (e.g. "John
"HOLD" means "YOU FREEZE". If you hear it, do it. Freeze first,
THEN figure out what the danger is and to whom. Use it when something
dangerous is about to occur.
"OYEZ" (pronunced "OY-YAY") means "PLEASE SHUT UP". Fall silent
immediately and hearken to the ensuing announcement.
"CLEAR" means "a blade has been drawn". Say it clearly and firmly
any time you pull any weapon free of its scabbard, to alert the
people around you to be careful.
When in doubt, address everyone as "M'lord" or "M'lady", or in
indeterminate circumstances, "Good gentle". The people with the big
metal hats are "Your Majesty".
Neither bug spray nor sun block work in the can.
VOLUNTEER! If you don't know what to do with yourself, there will
be a volunteer's point. In particular, you can always
- Wander into the kitchen -- they always need unskilled and
semi-skilled labor to chop and wash and stir. Kitchens are fun places
to be with lots of socializing.
- Volunteer to do a shift at Gate -- a good way to match faces to
- Volunteer as field herald -- like being theatrical? People with
flair and big voices are needed to read the proclamations of
challenges during the tourney. There will be an orientation and class
just before the tournament.
Most dances will be taught. In period, women asked men to dance
just as much as the other way around.
If you have any crises or concerns while at the event, don't keep
it a secret! Find Myndroh or Tibicen for help; Ulrick (previous
provost), Godith (Barony Magistra), and Adele (ran the garb workshop)
are also good sources for aid. You can also ask for help from anyone
who looks even mildly official. The Society is filled with helpful
people; don't let their being strangers to you intimidate you.
Whether you need a bandaid, or a question answered, or a dance
partner.... or an emergency ride off site, we will take care of you
while you're off campus.
See you there!
Submitted by Myndroh, Sept 12, AS XXXVI