11.305 Landscape Ecology and Urban Development
Spring 1997: "Urban Watersheds," Syllabus, Part I.
Prof. Sam Bass Warner, Jr.
Prof. Kristina Hill
T-Th, 9:30-11 am
- Photo-journal = 30%
- Field Test = 25%
- Design Charrette = 25%
- Class participation = 20%
Tu 4
overview of course: landscape ecology/urban watershed issues introduced
Th 6
field trip : the Lower Basin of the Charles as part of an urban ecology
Tu 11
a brief natural history of the Boston Basin;
measures of water quality, biodiversity, and landscape pattern
Th 13
a brief social history of the Boston area, with a focus on the Charles River
Tu 18
No class (Monday classes held on Tuesday)
Th 20
GIS and watershed planning
(Saturday, Feb. 22, 2nd field trip -- Sunday, Feb. 23 rain date)
Tu 25
GIS - land use and water quality (evaluation models)
Th 27
GIS - predicting impacts of development (impact models)
Tu 4
So what does all that GIS do for us? (decision models)
Th 6
Eric Adams -- engineering models for water quality
Tu 11
Day 1: students present slide shows -- "looking at water in the metropolis"
(turn in digital versions for the web site)
Th 13
Day 2: students present slide shows
(Optional Saturday, March 15, field trip to review stream conditions)
Tu 18
parks as urban systems, Part I
Th 20
parks as urban systems, Part II
March 24 - 28, Spring Break
Tu 1
FIELD TEST! -- along Muddy River, ending at Sargent's Brook