Matthew Gray,
Hacks/etc.: [Java] [My emacs html-mode]
Hotlist: [Weather] [c|net News] [CNN] [AltaVista]
Important/Interesting Stuff:
Linux software fo the Agfa Ephoto 307. A digital camera that I wrote linux drivers for.
Growth of the Web Report My research on the
historical growth of the web.
Photographs by James Gray My father takes
incredible photos
Apache The most popular web server in the world
Zion A cool replacement for zwgc on Athena. (if
you're not at MIT, this is probably irrelevant)
The comprehensive list of sites is on indefinite leave. I'll put it
back up someday when I get time. Wandex is gone forever. Some
Wanderer related info is on the growth of the web
page. If you don't know what these are, never mind. :-)
General Information
I am currently a graduate student at the MIT Media Lab. I graduated
from MIT (undergraduate) in June, 1997, in physics. If you're
interested in recruiting me, my resume, in
postscript is available. Contact information is above. I'm
especially interested in possibilities near Boston.
In 1994 I left MIT to start a company, net.Genesis. They do server side
software tools for web developers. I have since returned to MIT to finish my degree.
While at MIT (the first time), I was one of the three members of the Student Information
Processing Board (SIPB) who set up in the spring of 1993.
I am also a member of the Apache group, a volunteer group of
developers of Apache, the world's
most popular web server.
I now live in East Cambridge, but I have lived all over the place
during my career at MIT including MacGregor
and La
Maison Française. I still spend time at LMF whenever I get
the chance.
Most of my time, these days I spend at MIT either in SIPB, at the
Media Lab or at home.
My PGP key, is available and is on the public
key server and has a few signatures, so you should have a trust
path, if you're concerned about that kind of thing.
research on web growth is continuing. The comprehensive list is indefinitely unavailable. Also, see the most
recent report on the growth of the web.
I have also recently taken to messing around with Java a lot. I have
a Java Page which
has some of the various Java stuff I've done. See the Java Home Page for more info.
I work at the MIT Media Lab, in the Physics and Media group.
We do some of the coolest, strangest stuff of any research lab I've
ever known. I am currently working on a project called PAN, which
deals with intrabody signaling through low intensity electrostatic
fields. There is a movie of my advisor,
Niel using the prototype. I'll write up a more detailed web page
on this someday.
I wrote a book.
a Web Site. It came out in 1995, so it's a bit out of date now,
but much less so than you would guess. It is meant to be a very good
web technical manual. The publishers chose the title.
Personal Interests
Swing dancing, physics, perl,
- Swing Dancing and Ballroom Dance in
- I'm actually getting around to doing some of this on occasion.
I'm having fun. The Total
Swing site was set up by a couple of friends. It's pretty cool. I also dance at the
MIT Ballroom Dance
- Physics
- This was/is my major, but since I do computer related stuff almost
exclusively now, this is more of a 'personal itnerest'. My research
interests have included particle physics (particularly flavor changing
color currents in K+ decays), and astrophysics (particularly
gravitational lenses, Koronis group asteroids, and image analysis)
- Reading (fiction, mostly)
- I used to read a lot. Then I
stopped. Then I realized how much I missed reading and have started
again. I typically read about a book a week. Mostly science fiction,
because it is easy to get a hold
of at MIT. The author I most recommend is Timothy Zahn.
- Perl
- I write a lot of perl scripts. A lot (hundreds that I've saved). I
consider myself a very proficient perl programmer, but don't hold it
against me.
Other interests include music (Beatles, TMBG, Erasure, Billy Joel, Moxy
Fruvous, Bulgarian State Vocal Choir, balroom dance music, others...),
french, um... other stuff too. :-)
I don't mind getting random personal email, so feel free to send me mail. Or if you're in the Boston
area, call me :-). Meeting people in real life is generally much more
interesting than over the net.
Other Random Stuff I've done on the web
A long time ago, Jake and I had some adventures. We put them on the
web. Check out Matthew and Jake's
Adventures, one of the early pieces of interactive web fiction.
I'm one of the maintainers of, one of the first 100 web servers in the world (May, 1993).
I wrote the madlib server. I didn't write all the madlibs themselves though.
I wrote the browser count CGI script. Others have since made modifications.
(I've done lots more, I just haven't yet had time to put it here...)
Old Homepages: [Really Old] [Recent, but Old]
This page has been hit
times since July 16, 1997. (143,689 between March 31 and November 14, 43,179 between Nov 14 & Jul 16)