Spirituality Learned the Hard Way
Disclaimer: The below represents my opinion, which may or may not
have any resemblence to reality. Read at your own risk.
Thoughts on Spirituality and the Psychic
My goal is not to encourage the use (and possibly abuse) of
psychic powers, but to help people realize that caring and
moving toward God may be the most important keys to
spirituality! Why then write about dangerous stuff? Because what you
don't know can hurt you.
during a psychic attack.
- This was one of the main reasons I put up these pages. (Also
includes: What is a psychic attack? How do I know if it's happening
to me? By the way, if you are being attacked by a living, breathing human being, I am NOT able to help you directly, but some of these techniques may still help.)
What about "deliverance"?
- Hmm, what ABOUT deliverance? New 2014.
Also check out these great articles for more help:
Allergic to Spirituality and/or
Christianity? Sick and tired of being bashed over the head with
- Join the club --- but don't completely reject all of it, either!
Into "channeling"? Want to
establish 2-way prayer with God, despite the risks?
- Here are a set of notes and tips meant to go along with Ben's Prayer as a Form
of 2-Way Communication document.
Notes on "darkness," "evil," and
the realms less than Most High. Do all paths lead to God?
- I've spent a lot of time in the lower realms....
Time to Think and Act
- Some of these were written as a result of the terrorist actions
of Sept. 11, 2001, but I believe what I have said is universal and applicable
at all times. Is it time to think? To ponder? To change? To Act? I
say: yes.
"I don't believe in all this
spirit crap to begin with. Why do you?" "Why are you so paranoid?"
"What are your experiences?"
- Some of my experiences written as they happened.
Be wary ... but there's hope.
- Sometimes it's hard to believe there's a "Good" side to the universe.
Some study of the Christian Bible....
- It seems to say some surprising things....
Other Stuff
- Related material I maintain.
Other Resources
Ben Swett's excellent
Spirituality site
- Highly recommended; more than 45 years of remarkable experience
in these pages. Ben is one of the few people in the spiritual/psychic
field whom I mostly trust (as opposed to distrust immensely). He
always seeks to find that which is "Kinder, wiser, and more gracious"
--- qualities sadly lacking with many so-called sources of guidance.
His writings reflect not only joy, discipline, caring, and hope, but
also good writing and a keen, logical intellect.
Offline (Suggested Books)
- Not a lot, but some suggestions, and a few recent (4/2004) additions.
(sites) on Spirituality and Discernment
- Online spirituality resources, including some representative sites
of different and yet related philosophies. Plus: All that glitters is
not gold! Not all "angels" are angels; not all spirit guides are
there for your benefit. What is really important?
Free online book! Peace Pilgrim: Her
Life and Work in Her Own Words
- Although the usual caveats apply, and I disagree with her in
several key places, here is someone who lived as she taught - simply,
elegantly, without pay, without money, with only God as her
guide. Japanese
translation of one of her short works.
Native Alaskan prophet Maniilaq (Maniixaq) - in his people's own words
- This prophet accurately foresaw the arrival of Caucasian
Westerners and modern technology to Alaska, promoted gender equality,
faced down religious oppressors, and most of all, lived and preached love of
God. He also had a prophecy about our near future....
Testimony against eternal
"punishment" ... What does "eternity"
(aion and aionios) really mean? ... and more and
wrong with a judgmental God anyway?. Ode to Joy. And lastly, What is the real "Word of God"?
- "`He shall see the travail of His soul and be satisfied.' ....If
I were Christ, nothing could satisfy me but that every human being
should in the end be saved... every knee shall bow... every tongue
shall confess...." -Hannah Whitall Smith
Spiritual Up-Links ... upward lifting
links. Might be useful for spiritual elevation.
The material presented here should in no way be construed to be
representative of MIT.
rei (at) mit(dot)edu