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GSC Headlines from 2005

Special Budget GCM

The GSC will be holding a Special Budget General Council Meeting on:

Wednesday, July 20
5:30 p.m.
GSC Office

The budget is available here.

Quorum is needed to proceed to a vote on the Budget. If you cannot make the meeting, please submit a proxy: http://web.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/gsc/www/meetings/proxies/

Questions? Contact gsc-officers[at]mit[dot]edu.

GSC July Council Meeting

The GSC will be holding its July General Council Meeting on:

Wednesday, July 6
5:30 p.m.
Room 4-237
##Note new Room Number!##

Agenda will include a vote on the 2005-2006 Budget and a vote on the Saferide Committee Report:

- Budget: two discussions will be organized, for the Representatives to convey their opinion on the budget to the Officers and the Council at large. The first one will be held on Thursday June 30th at 5:30pm in the GSC Office (50-220), and the second will be held on Tuesday July 5th at 7pm in the GSC Office (50-220) . Discussions of the 2005-2006 Budget will close on Tuesday July 5th night, after the meeting. In the interest of time, no discussion will be held on the day of the GCM. If you cannot make the two meetings on June 30th or July 5th, feel free to send your comments to the GSC Officers at gsc-officers[at]mit[dot]edu . The budget is available here.

- Saferide: please read the Saferide Committee Report, and be prepared for a vote on this report at the July GCM.

Questions? Contact gsc-officers[at]mit[dot]edu.

GSC June Council Meeting

The GSC will be holding its June General Council Meeting on:

Wednesday, June 1
5:30 p.m.
GSC Office (50-220)

Questions? Contact gsc-officers[at]mit[dot]edu

MIT Institute Awards Convocation

All graduate students are invited to attend the MIT Institute Awards Convocation on Tuesday May 10, from 4:00-5:30pm in room 10-250. A reception in Lobby 10 will follow the convocation.

The GSC is presenting Teaching Awards to faculty and TAs from several schools, the Frank E. Perkins Award for Excellence in Advising and the Edward L. Horton Fellowship Award for fostering fellowship within the graduate student community.

» MIT Institute Awards Invitation

Student Advisory Board Releases Final Report

The Student Advisory Board (SAB) to MIT President Hockfield has released its final report, entitled MIT in Transition along with a shorter executive summary, to the entire MIT community.

The SAB, chaired by the GSC and UA Presidents, provided President Hockfield with an introduction to MIT from the student perspective. In addition, "MIT in Transition" represents a snapshot of the many facets of MIT experience, and what we might work towards for the future. The Board sincerely hopes its work will prove valuable to the Institute as it plans for the future.

» Read MIT in Transition, the final report of the Student Advisory Board

GSC May Council Meeting

The GSC will be holding its May General Council Meeting on:

Wednesday, May 5
5:30 p.m.

The new GSC Officers will take office during this meeting. The outgoing officers will present a Year-End Review, and the incoming officers will outline their ideas for the coming year.

» GSC Meetings Calendar
» Questions? Contact gsc-officers[at]mit[dot]edu

GSC Constitutional Amendments Approved

The GSC administered a student referendum to allow students to vote on three amendments to its Constitution. All three amendments were approved by the student body, and the Constitutional changes have now been approved. Over the course of the past year, the GSC has made 7 amendments to its Bylaws and 3 amendments to its Constitution.

» GSC Constitution and Bylaws, with a record of recent amendments

Constitutional Referendum

This year, the MIT Graduate Student Council has voted to amend its Constitution and Bylaws to resolve ambiguities in its legislative processes and to formalize the voting rights of representatives from Sidney-Pacific, the Warehouse, and future dormitories. These amendments have already been approved by 3/4 of the voting members of the Council. In order for them to be ratified, they must now obtain a majority vote of those wishing to participate in a referendum of the graduate student body.

We encourage you to participate in this referendum by visiting: http://web.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/surveys/gsc/

Details regarding the amendments are specified on this site. Please read the voting instructions carefully, in order to ensure that your vote is counted. Voting will remain open until next Wednesday, April 27 at midnight.

Elect A Recent Graduate to the MIT Corporation

Polls Close : 5:00 pm, April 29th, 2005

Each year students are invited to take part in a process to elect a recent MIT graduate to the MIT Corporation, the Institute's Board of Trustees. Only graduates who are expecting to graduate in June, or have received their degrees in the past two years, can participate. We encourage all graduate students who are eligible to participate in this important election! This year's candidates are given below (you can find more information about them when you go to the voting page):

  • Tanguy Catlin  (MBA '04)
  • R. Erich Caulfield  (SM'01, PhD'05)
  • Parul Deora  (SB '04)
  • Arhtur Fitzmaurice  (SB'03, SM'04)
  • Rohit Gupta  (SB '05)
  • Maya Said SB '98  (ScD '05)

» Vote Now!
» Questions to Bonnie Jones,

Committee Elections

Elections for the various GSC Commitees Chairs are being held this month in the GSC Office. If you are interested in becoming a committee chair or would like more information on each of the committees, contact the current 2004-05 committee chairs.

2005-2006 GSC Officers

After a marathon session, the GSC elected the new officers for the 2005-2006 academic year!

2005-2006 GSC Officers
President: Emilie F. Slaby
Vice President: Sylvain Bruni
Secretary: Andrew "zoz" Brooks
Treasurer: Ore A. Adeyemi

The GSC wants to thank all the candidates who chose to run for providing such a strong and talented panel to choose from. The GSC would like to thank all the current representatives and past representatives and officers who attended and participated in the election process.

Grad Night @ MIT Museum ~ Fri 4/8 5-8pm ~ Food+Drink+Jazz ~ 265 Mass Ave

Please join us this Friday evening, April 8th, for tasty morsels, fine drinks, and live jazz music at the pre-dinner Grad Night @ the MIT Museum from 5 to 8 pm!

What: Drinks+Hor D'Oeuvres+Live Jazz Evening for Graduate Students & Guests
Why: Welcome Event for MIT and the 2005 International Development Conference -- http://www.idc2005.org
When: Friday, April 8th, 5-8pm
Where: Inspiring MIT Museum Location ~ N52-2nd Floor @ 265 Mass Ave
Map: http://whereis.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/map-jpg?mapterms=museum

Cost: Free
Proper Age ID Required
Light Food & Drinks will be served

2005-2006 GSC Officer Elections

Last chance to meet the 2005-2006 GSC Officer Candidates. The candidates will be at the GSC Office on Wednesday, April 6th, from 3:00 to 5:00 pm. Stop by for some coffee with the candidates.

Election of the 2005-2006 GSC Officers will take place at the General Council Meeting to be held on April 6th, 2005, starting at 5:30 pm in Room 6-120. Nominations closed at 5pm on March 30th, 2005, and an up-to-date list of candidates is posted on the GSC Elections page.

Election protocol and instructions on filling out the ballot are available at the GSC elections page. GSC Representatives are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the voting procedure and the election ballot information before the Election General Council Meeting.

» Questions? contact

Grand Reopening of the Muddy Charles Pub

In case you had not heard, there are great things happening at the Muddy Charles Pub! Renovations have taken place and the Muddy looks beautiful. To celebrate, the Muddy is having a Grand Reopening Week. Please make sure to stop by and share some food, drinks, and fun times with all of your friends at the Muddy.

Grand Re-Opening Week
at the
Muddy Charles Pub

Celebrate the Muddy's renovation and new look!  Free T-shirt give-aways! Drink specials all week! New projection TV system!

    Connect4 Tournament - $50 prize (gift certificate to the Muddy)
    Arrive by 6:00 PM
    MOST WINGS EVER at Weekly Wednesdays starting at 7:00 PM!
    Live music at 9:00 PM
    T-shirt give-aways earlier
    T-shirt give-aways

Location: Walker Memorial Building, 1st floor (map)
21+ only, proper ID required

GSC Institute Awards

Each year, the Graduate Student Council gives input in the decision-making process of four Institute Awards, to be presented at the Institute Awards Convocation in May. The 2005 Awards Convocation will be held on May 10, 2005 at 4:00 p.m. in 10-250. All are welcome to attend. A reception will follow the ceremony. The four GSC Institute Awards are:

For more information and to submit nominations, please visit our Awards page. The deadline for submissions has been extended to March 25, 2005

Nominations for the 2005-2006 GSC Officers are now open

On Wednesday night, March 30, starting at 7:00 pm, the GSC is hosting a "Meet the Candidates" night at the Muddy Charles Pub. Please stop by with your friends to greet the candidates and to share some food and drinks with them. Now is the time to ask questions and to get to know the candidates on a more personal level. Please visit the GSC 2005 Officer Candidate web page to get all the latest information about the candidates.

Election protocol and instructions on correctly filling out the ballot are available at the GSC elections page. GSC Representatives are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the voting procedure and the election ballot information before the Election General Council Meeting.

Nominations for the 2005-2006 Officers are now open. All members of the Student Body as designated in the GSC Constitution and Bylaws are eligible as candidates for all Officer positions. Candidates who are nominated and accepts the nomination have untill 5:00 pm on the second day after accepting the nomination to submit to the GSC Vice President, their statement of purpose. An up-to-date list of candidates is posted at the GSC Elections page

Election of the 2005-2006 Officers of the GSC will take place at the General Council Meeting to be held on April 6th, 2005, starting at 5:30 pm in Room 6-120.

Presentation on Status of Graduate Advising

On Tuesday, Feb. 22, the Graduate Student Council held a town-hall meeting regarding the status of graduate advising and how it can be improved. The event was attended by over 100 faculty, administrators and students.

» View the presentation given by the GSC regarding graduate advising (pdf, 296Kb, MIT only)

March General Council Meeting

The GSC will be holding a General Council Meeting on
      TODAY Wednesday, March 2nd
, in the
      GSC Office

This meeting will be a very important one. We will be voting on 5 articles of pending legislation, giving updates on recent efforts (including cost of living/ stipend efforts), and discussing student safety issues concerning the upcoming Massachusetts Ave. construction project.

» Detailed agenda
» Legislation to be voted on or introduced at this meeting
» More information: contact

Graduate Student Initiative Leads to Unique Dining Experience

STEAM Cafe is a cafe collaborative developed by MIT dining, Sodexho, and the School of Architecture and Planning. Delicious, simple and substantial food from around the world is served here every day, with an emphasis on diversity, nutrition and community interaction. Please join your fellow students, and help us shape the way we all eat on campus!

Make sure to check out the changing menu! If you have the culinary inclination, feel free to submit your own version of the weeks menu.

Transforming the Graduate Academic Experience

What do MIT graduate students THINK about their advisors/departments?
What skill sets/training do MIT graduate students VALUE most?
How can we IMPROVE graduate student advising and mentoring?

Transforming the Graduate Academic Experience
Tuesday, February 22
Room 10-250
4:30pm - 6:00 pm

Followed by a dinner social for all attendees.


  • Hear about graduate students' feedback on advising (2004 Graduate Student Survey)
  • Learn about recommendations from discussions involving grad students, administrators and the faculty to improve advisor/advisee relationships at the graduate level
  • Share and discuss your experiences with other grad students, administrators and faculty

GSC Funding Board Deadline

The deadline for the second round of Spring 2005 Funding Board is Friday, February 4, 2005 at NOON.

Only Online applications are accepted. » More information: contact gsc-treasurer[at]mit[dot]edu

Tax Workshops

Attend a workshop to become a tax consultant!

  • Get certified by the IRS
  • Prepare tax returns for MIT students
  • Get free software for tax returns
  • Free training and free food!

Workshops will be held on the following dates:
February 26 || March 12 || April 2 || April 10

» To become a volunteer or for more information please contact

February General Council Meeting

The GSC will be holding a General Council Meeting on
      Wednesday, February 2nd
, in the
      GSC Office

The primary purpose of this meeting will be to vote on pending legislation and introduce new items that will be voted on in February.If you are a GSC Representative and cannot attend, please submit a proxy.

» Legislation to be voted on or introduced at this meeting
» More information: contact

Boston Celtics Tickets

Boston Celtics vs. Sacramento Kings
Sunday, February 13, 2005
6:00 p.m.

  • $18 per ticket for MIT graduate students
  • $20 for guests
  • Ticket sales:
    • GSC Office (50-220) from 2 - 5 pm or
    • call ahead for other times (x 3-2195)

January General Council Meeting

The GSC will be holding a General Council Meeting on
      Wednesday, January 12th
, in the
      GSC Office

The primary purpose of this meeting will be to vote on pending legislation and introduce new items that will be voted on in February.If you are a GSC Representative and cannot attend, please submit a proxy.

» Legislation to be voted on or introduced at this meeting
» More information: contact

Boston Celtics Tickets

  • $25 per ticket (students and guests)
  • Ticket sales:
    • GSC Office (50-220) from 2 - 5 pm or
    • call ahead for other times (x 3-2195)

Let President-elect Hockfield Know What You Think

The Student Advisory Board to MIT's 16th President has been meeting regularly to discuss what information needs to be conveyed to President-elect Hockfield from the student perspective. We would like to hear what you think! Please let us know what you would like to communicate to MIT's 16th President.

» Provide input to and find out more about the Student Advisory Board
» More information: contact sab-chairs[at]mit[dot]edu