Notes on PMI'96
The Notes
Reengineering - An Introductory Two-Day Seminar
- Reengineering For Competitive Advantage Through PM and Teamocracy
My sketchy notes
- management approaches vs. type of change
- The Reengineering Project Life Cycle (and Tools)
- Why are there so many reengineering failures?
Core Competencies - A Paper (p. 853)
- Picks from "Core Competencies for Project Managers"
- Personal Competency Assessment form
Teaching Software Developers to Schedule - A Paper (p. 485)
- Notes(Under Construction)
- Creating a Revolution in Project Management Thinking, Tolls, and
Techniques to Manage Re-engineering Projects (p. 960)(Under Construction)
- Communication Styles Instrument: A Team
Building Tool (p. 796)
Not Attended, but Worthwhile To Consider
- Speaking Truth to Power: The Project Manager
as Revolutionary (p. 887)
- The Six Principles of Productivity Management
(p. 517)(Under Construction)
- Business Case Analysis:
Tips and Techniques
for Project Managers (p. 529)
- A Grass Roots Approach (p. 473)(Under Construction)
- A Positive Revolution in Software
Development (p. 443)(Under Construction)
- Project Prioritization Process (p. 301)
- Managing Builders, Boomers, and Busters on
Your Project Team (p. 295)(Under Construction)
- Concurrent Project Management Training (p. 274)
- The Triad and The Evolution of Project
Management (p. 643)(Under Construction)
- Leading the Project Revolution: Senior
Manager's Role in Project Management Solutions (p. 621)
- Reengineering: Revolution or Renaissance? (p. 943)(Under Construction)
- Analysis of Learning Profiles in Project
Environment (p. 717)(Under Construction)
- Unique Issues for Developing Project Teams
(p. 723)(Under Construction)
- Project Manager Pay: Issues in Fortune 500
Companies (p. 728)(Under Construction)
- Communication Needs (p. 757)(Under Construction)
- Communication Mapping: A Practitioner's Guide
(p. 763)(Under Construction)
- Evolution or Revolution? How to Instill Professional Project
Management (p. 791)(Under Construction)
- PM Stands for People Motivator (p. 827)(Under Construction)
- Using Simulation/Games in Assessing Project
Knowledge, Skills and Leadership (p. 819)(Under Construction)
- Cultural Values in Project Teams (p. 863)(Under Construction)
- Keys to Successfully Implementing
Organizational Change (p. 993)(Under Construction)
Organizational Team Support and Commitment