Master Aleksandr Ruslanovich and Lady Morwenna Westerne :
Unlike our medieval analogs, we will not have lands to plant and
harvest, livestock to husband and slaughter, or taxes to collect. Our
responsibility is to our populace. Our job is to ensure the health and
well-being of the barony, by easing internal conflicts whenever
possible, fostering communication between the different groups in the
barony, and encouraging growth -- both of our population and of our
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Mistress Caitlin Davies :
The Baron/ess has a responsibility to him or herself, to recognize
issues of overcommitment, health, and responsibilities to job and family
outside of the SCA, and when those need to take priority over their SCA
The Baron/ess also have a responsibility to the Crown, to hold the lands
faithfully, to protect the barony, and to protect the Crown when called
to do so, as a part of their fealty to the Crown.
Master Justin du Coeur :
Lady Emmanuelle de Chenonceaux :
Master Seamus Donn :
The concept of Fealty is very important to me. It drives how most of things operate in the SCA. Featly is not just blind service of a retainer to a lord. It goes both ways. In
the same way service is due, when asked, from the retainer to the lord, support is due from the lord to the retainer.
You can deconstruct the example of the "naked newbie" above along these lines. In return for service, I take on the responsibility for clothing the retainer and integrating
them into the rest of the Barony.
It is such contract of fealty that bind the Baron and Baroness to the people. (And to the King as well.) I cannot expect them to fight on my behalf unless I am willing to take
the field with them. I cannot expect them to help me when I need it unless I am willing to help them when they need it. As a retainer swearing fealty to a lord I usually have
one particular phrase in my oath "To serve as I am served". Living by my own rules I would feel it my responsibiliy, as Baron, to serve the people to the greatest extent
possible to fulfill my half of the fealty oath, and inspire their service in return.
Mistress Gwendolyn of Middlemarch :
The baronial coronet has a responsibility to the
barony as a whole to devote a reasonable amount of
time, attention, and effort to baronial activities and
concerns, including giving the barony a focus of
activity so that it can work together as a whole.
The Baron/ess also has a responsibility to him/herself
and the barony to try to take care of his or her own
well being.
Lord Kali Harlansson of Gotland :
Seigneur Jehan du Lac :
The baron/ess is also responsible for encouraging everyone in the
projects that make our barony so rich in skills, ideas, and experience.
This means welcoming new people, recognizing people's contributions,
listening to people's complaints, and fostering a positive attitude. By
this I mean one that is constantly striving for improvement, but is
non-elitest and welcoming. This may be a hard balance, but it is the
baron/ess's duty to strive for it.
The baron/ess also has the responsibility to represent our barony
outside its borders, and to be a gracious emissary for us. At the
kingdom level, the baron/ess should advocate for our citizens and their
interests in curias and by petitioning the kingdom orders on their
behalf. In some ways, the baron/ess is like an old-fashioned
Congressman, looking out for his constituency and getting the potholes
filled for his hometown.
The baron/ess also has the responsibility to lead the barony at Pennsic.
This is one of many great things Johanna & Aquel have done for us,
creating a strong and colorful presence at our big national convention.
In addition to the processions to the field, the hospitality tents, and
the like, I would feel obligated to take the field. No one will ever
mistake me for William Marshall, but I feel it is important to be there.
The baron/ess of Carolingia IS Carolingia in the historic sense, and
because of this his/her responsibilities are to all the people, not to
any particular individual or group.
The baron/ess obviously has the duties of fealty to the crowns of the
East, and the responsibility of presenting the rose to receive
confirmation of our charter. The baron/ess should zealously guard our
ancient privileges, rights, and liberties.
Master John McGuire :
Shi Hua Fu and Lady Yelizaveta Medvedeva :
The Baron/ess have a responsibility to everyone in the barony to be
just, to be fair, to be welcoming, to listen. The Baron/ess should be a
leader, and an exemplar.
Big question -- that really boils down to a job description. I won't try
to be comprehensive, but some that occur to me include:
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he Baronetcy has a twofold duty- fealty to the crown of the East, and fealty to the Barony of Carolingia and its people. The Baronetcy's duty, first and
foremost is to the Barony. In leading and representing the Barony, they do their best service to the crown.
The responsibilities of the Baron and Baroness are wide and varied. Most of them are covered in other questions. But the umbrella statement has to do with
fealty. The Baron is in fealty with the King, and the Baron is in fealty with the Barony. This structualizes most of the responsibilities.
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The responsibilities of the baronial coronet are to
represent, the Crown to the barony, the barony to the
Crown, Carolingia to other baronies, and Carolingia to
itself. Mostly these representations take place in the
context of ceremony, but it certainly goes beyond
ceremony at times.
The Coronet is responsible for representing the Barony to the Crown, the
Crown to the Barony, and the Barony to itself. If you want more specifics,
this becomes an awfully big and uncontrolled question, like the famous
"Define the universe. Give three examples." I'll get back to this if I have
the time; otherwise, see my responses to other specific questions.
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The baron/ess owes all the people of the barony a good show. By this I
mean giving them a ceremonial focus for our group identity and inspiring
them with the ideals of our Society.
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The Baron and Baroness first and foremost have a responsibility to the
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Then to the populous's and Barony's best interest.
Then to the King/Queen and Kingdom.
The Coronets have responsibilities upwards (to the Crown), downwards
(to the Barony) and sideways (to the rest of the SCA). As
individuals, they need to be calm and rational people who uphold the
ideals of the barony and the society as much as possible in words and
deeds. As the ceremonial heads of the group, they need to be a
Baron/ess that the citizens can point to with pride, and not bring
shame or embarrassment to them by word or deed.
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