What do you feel the Barony does well? :
Master John McGuire :
The vast number of guilds and groups encourages people to play in every
area that they find of interest and is one of the greatest strengths of
this Barony. Travel to other baronies and listen to their activity
list, most of which occurs on one night and includes fighting/fencing
and dance and a bit of sewing on the side. The do not have the wealth
of knowledge and activites that we do. Revel in the fact that we do
have this many activities!
The barony encourages many activities without getting divisive or
falling into many of the personality battles that I have seen with other
baronies. By having the council, Carolingia encourages lets those
people who want to be political and important to have a place where that
need can be satisfied without it being divisive.
Back to the top.
What do you feel the Barony needs to improve upon, and, as Baron, what steps would you take toward that improvement? :
Master John McGuire :
To encourage the various martial arts, I would like to see a little more
flash for the Baronial champions and guards as well as for the Baronial
fighters. The recent fighting tabards and blue and gold shirts worn by
the fighters are serving tabards and LARP garb that I made around the
time of my entry to the Barony. They sat in storage, for a while but
still they are almost a decade old and were never designed for that
I would like to bring back some of the flash of the CRC, but spread
across all of the martial activites.
I would like to make the Baronial court and processions a bit more
colorful with more banners, better costumes and a bit more dramatic
air. Well, I am a costume Laurel, what did you expect. :) While I
want things to be more impressive, I would like to keep the approachable
air that Johanna and Aquel maintained.
The Barony has become a bit more martial (heavy list) under Johanna and
Aquel, that is something that will have to be continually nurtured and I
would have to make an effort on my part to maintain. Carolingia has
shown a marked tendancy to slide towards an arts and service heavy
concentration with martial getting less attention.
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From time to time, people have felt that Carolingia had an image problem outside our borders. Do you think Carolingia currently has an image problem outside the barony? If so, do you have any particular ideas how you might remedy that? If not, what do you think is the Baron/ess' most important role, if any, in inter-baronial relations? :
Master John McGuire :
Barring that, declare a war on you neighbors at least once a year and
lead a horde of troops against them. Or ally against yet a third
Barony. This greatly improves interbaronial relations... :)
Carolingians are still not known for travelling. The Baron and/or
Baroness should make an attempt to make major events outside the
barony. Showing your face at a few events goes a long way,
particularly if you go with a few retainers/recognizable Carolingians.
The biggest role is being friendly to your surrounding Baron and
Baroneses and extend to them and their residents every courtesy.
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If you could change three things about Carolingia (or Carolingians as a whole) what would they be? :
Master John McGuire :
We appear far more distant and unaproachable than we are.
I would like to add a bit more of visual pomp and flash to events.
We take a little long to decide things...
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(The Hotline... The process for the last election... etc.)
We are usually quite well dressed and scurrying from one group of
to another trying to say hello to all the people we know at an event and
miss the new people who we have already intimidated due to the quality
of many of
the local outfits, foods, activities, etc.
We need to make a bit more effort to notice and welcome new and out of
Barony folk.
More and bigger banners, well dressed courts, better disguising of more
features of halls. We have been improving for years and we still have a
way to go.
For a long time in Carolingia, there was a very strong ethic of "everybody works, everybody pays". In the last 5 or so years, that has shifted, and it has become more socially acceptable for autocrats and head-cooks to decide to "comp" volunteers (e.g. feed the kitchen staff without requiring them to pay on-board). Do you have an opinion about this practice? Do you think it good, bad, in between, neither, both? :
Master John McGuire :
Unfortunately we run the risk that people will get used to others cooking
and cleaning for them. I have cleaned up after Carolingian and out Barony
events lately and I was apalled at how much garbage was being left around
and how few people were staying to help. Are we just at the stage that
through sheer numbers we are leaving more cruft and people just assume that
someone else will voulunteer or are they getting used to a cleanup staff...
I am vaguely in favor, particularly for college students or those on a
budget, but would like to encourage more uncomped volunteer efforts.
As a way to make certain that those people who may not be able to afford
an event can go and have a good dinner exchange for labor it is a good
The kitchen staff is and volunteers are often overworked and it is nice to
able to reward them.
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As Baron/ess, you would become a bestower of awards. What do you feel about the SCA Award System, especially as it exists here in the East and in Carolingia? Do you have any criticisms of it, and if so how will that be reflected in how you deal with giving awards? Do you prefer to "err early" or "err late" in giving awards? :
Master John McGuire :
What little bits I have control over, I try to keep as period as possible.
If I take an
apprentice, we have a contract and I follow that. I do not give a green
belt. When my
apprentice has mastered the basics and has reached the point that they are
and starting to create their own works and start to teach others the basics,
I promote
them to Journeyman, particularly if they have done an initial masterwork.
I prefer to be slightly early rather than too late. Someone who feels that
it is slightly early
is often revitalized and tries to live up to the award, but if you are much
too late often the
person is slightly burnt out and does not appreciate it as much. Better
late than never
That our title system is as badly bent as it is and that we are starting to
look like the
boyscouts with merit badges, belts, baldrics and scarves, irks me a little.
While we
are getting so much better in so many areas with better research and more
items, our awards remain less period and they keep breeding.
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In AS28, the Board of Directors passed a rule requiring membership for attending all SCA events. It was later repealled. How do you feel about this kind of "pay to play" rule? What do you feel membership in the SCA, Inc should be required for, if anything? :
Master John McGuire :
I am against "Pay to Play".
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I grudgingly accept Pay to Fight.
I accept Pay to be an Officer.
In your opinion, what is best thing about the Society? :
Master John McGuire :
Despite all our little arguments and internal politics, we are still a
virtual small
town. The vast majority of people are willing to be helpful, friendly and
to anyone. People are amazingly willing to help and give of their time,
and resources for others they barely know.
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What do you personally think constitutes "politics"? Are all "politics" evil? :
Master John McGuire :
No, much of politics is benign or well intentioned. Unfortunately many are
not aware of how their good intentions can be and are interpretted
differently by others.
People working as individuals or a group to get their way within a political
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Favorite "Magic Moment"? (More than one if you can't choose. :) :
Master John McGuire :
The end came far too soon though...
After a frantic moment of trying to figure how to warn the amorous couple
had just walked up the hill to another of the Xs, that they were not
alone... I remembered that I still had a cold coke with me...
A single "Pop", was followed by instant silence and a quiet scurry.
Lying in the middle of one of the Xs on the hill looking up at the meteor
shower with torches gently lighting the surrounding camp.
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What is the kindest thing you have ever seen in the Society? :
Master John McGuire :
I have seen a King stop a procession to comfort a lost crying child,
and then lead the procession off to security point instead of wherever
they were originally going..
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What will you keep the same? :
Master John McGuire :
The traditional Baronial Champions will stay the
same, I just may dress
them better.
I will make certain that I am as approachable as
can and will try to be
as approachable as the current Baron and
I will keep courts as interesting as possible.
I will continue to support the arts and all
activities in the Barony.
Carolingia has a great number of traditions and
customs that have
served it well. Those will not be changed.
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What will you do differently? :
Master John McGuire :
I may build a new set of thrones... The current
ones are nice, but too
big and a lot of work.
I have considered restarting the Carolingian
encampment at pennsic
for all of those people who do not have a
I will not be the judge of brewing
Sorry, I am allergic to
alcohol. I will instead appoint an
official "Food
Taster" at events that
require such judging. :)
I will put a bit more pomp and pagentry into the
Barony. I would like
give Carolingia a more impressive appearance at
court and at
wars. I would like to bring back some of the
panoply of the CRC without
restricting it to exclusively the fencers.
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How much do you think the baron/ess should be involved in the running of the barony? just the "medieval bits" or other stuff as well? :
Master John McGuire :
On the Mundane side:
The Baron/ess is the voice of those who for
whatever reason do not feel
represented by the council. As a figurehead
people will approach
you who will not otherwise approach others. You
act as a lighting rod for
complaints and kudos. It is your duty to speak
up for those people.
It is also your duty to address the Council or
Sceneshal if you see
them about to do something that would reflect
badly on the Barony. Once
you have spoken up, it is then your duty to step
aside and let the
Sceneshal and the Council do as they please.
It is your duty to approve events and to make
every effort to attend all
Baronial events/councils and a reasonable
of guildmeetings so that
all Baronial members have the opportunity to
approach you.
The Medieval bits are a given, you are the
figurehead and have to act
in a manner that brings honor and glory to the
Barony while you are
acting as Baron/ess.
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What type of structure do you envision to support our general marshal activities? Seeing as I personally am involved in Archery, Throw Weapons, Heavy List and Fencing, I would appreciate if you could give all of us a view of the "big picture". As Baron/Baroness, what would you try to put in place to encourage the growth of each of these activities? Or do you envision a single structure that could support all of them at the same time? :
Master John McGuire :
I would like to find a way to inspire more pomp in the Baronial court and
activities. One of the things that worked well in the past was the CRC
the uniform of the matching cloaks. I am tempted to revive a version of
where the Fencers would once again don blue half cloaks, heavy list would
don 3/4 length cloaks or winged tabbards and the archers would don
shoulder length hoods. It would make processions interesting...
At minimum I would like to outfit the Baronial champions and the baronial
guards in this manner, but it would be nice to be able to do so for any
member who is willing to pledge fealty to support the barony. I
personally can
probably swing the base cost and patterns to start, but would look for
assistance from the community to see how much support the idea has.
Each weapons discipline would have a captain, a champion, one or two
lieutenants and the rank and file members. How to decorate for each
would probably be similar to the CRC method.
It would also add a bit of ceremony to court as the various Carolingian
orders called in new candidates and bestowed cloaks/hoods upon them.
Yes there will still be friction between groupd, but as all members will
to the betterment of the Barony, and there will be an overlap, hopefully
will be kept to a minimum.
Currently there is a single structure that supports all of them... The
order of
the Perseus. I am still trying to find a way to blend that with the
model of
CRC though... It may be best to hold them seperate, and simply decorate
regalia to denote the award.
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Aquel and Johanna have started getting into having an entourage (for court, processionals) which is quite different from how Patri and Barbara did things. Do you think you would want to "do entourage" in some fashion? :
Master John McGuire :
In a seperate set of questions, I stated that I wanted to encourage the
activities a bit more and to add a bit of pomp for them as the CRC did for
fencers. A small number of people from the various martial activites,
acording to event and inclination to for a small entourage would encourage
pomp, without burning anyone out.
A small varying entourage is a reasonable thing. I do not believe that we
need to continually press the Baronial champions to continually guard the
Baron/Baroness. I also tend to be fairly independant. :)
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What part of being Baron/ess do you expect to be, for you, the most distasteful part(s) of the job? What tactics have you thought of to deal with them? :
Master John McGuire :
K.P. If the cooks can handle the extra volunteers.
Sychophants. If they are crazed enough to think that buttering me up
will help them with personal politics. I ahve not seen many in
Carolingia over the years, but I have seen a number out Barony.
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What do you expect to have to give up to accept this position? How will your participation in other Baronial activities change? :
Master John McGuire :
Affect Other Activities:
Give Up:
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Free time.
The ability to skip a local event.
I do not expect to have as much time for projects.
Increase attendance at order meetings...
I am more likely to participate in martial activites.
I expect I will be doing more regalia and Baronial based projects.
Do you see anything preventing you from holding the post at least 4 years? :
Master John McGuire :
Not offhand. I came into this planning on being willing to do a run
of at least 5 years. Any sooner just seems to soon to go through the
whole election process again.
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What responsibilities do you feel the Baron/ess has to whom? :
Master John McGuire :
The Baron and Baroness first and foremost have a responsibility to the
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Then to the populous's and Barony's best interest.
Then to the King/Queen and Kingdom.
Many of you, over the length of your SCA careers, have not been shy about sharing your opinions in public. If elected, would you change your participation in public discussions, including (but not limited to) e-mail lists and Great Council meetings? If so, how? :
Master John McGuire :
No matter what your opinion, before you voice it as Baron, you must
first consider how it will affect the entire Barony. Thus I expect
that it will make me more careful of any public statements.
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Why do you think you'll be good? :
Master John McGuire :
I have a great deal of patience and am willing
deal with everyone
including those members of the Barony who
occasionally rub others
the wrong way.
I can organize fairly well and can motivate
to participate in
projects. I will take the initiative to help
make the barony look
good. I am still learning about delegating, but
am getting better.
I treat people well and do my best to encourage
I am willing to listen and to act upon good
suggestions. I can recognize
people who know more about a topic than I do and
know when to defer
to their knowledge.
I can store, transport and assemble the thrones
myself... :)
My ego is large enough to withstand constructive
criticism, while
still being small enough that I feel no need to
dominate a discussion or
I have a fairly strong group of people who will
provide support and
assistance so that I can do the job of Baron
without burning out.
I can look and act the part. I always dress
fairly well. I have a
voice that can project to the back of a hall and
have a good deal
of experience and training in public speaking.
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Do you think you will be able to be in tune with all the different aspects of the barony? :
Master John McGuire :
My weakest area is heavy list, where while I
attended practices for a
while in Dragonship Haven I never qualified.
having a helmet that
fit, I could hit my opponent, but I couldn't see
their sword until just
it impacted. (I died a lot. :)
I will freely admit that I tend to contribute
heaviest in the arts. Despite
this I have a wide string of interests, have
dabbled haevily in a large
number of areas and can hold a reasonable
conversation and have
friends in just about every sub group in the
Barony. If I don't know
enough to properly support it I know who can
advise me.
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Do you belong to a household, formal or informal? Are you in fealty, or have fiefs of your own? Do you anticipate your household or feudal relationships changing if you become Baron/ess, and if so how? :
Master John McGuire :
I have a new apprentice, Gisele who is a long distance apprentice in any
I expect that there will be no difference in that relationship, other than I
still reccomend that she move back to Boston. I may ask her to help as a
retainer at an occasional event, but that will depend on her being local at
the time..
I am the sole Elizabethan in a mercenary Viking household that is almost
defunct... There are three of us still active, and four others that at best
one event a year. If I become Baron, I will activate the "gone aviking"
of our charter, for the extent of my reign. I will personally bribe my clan
to come fight for Carolingia. ("In Odin we trust, all others pay cash."
clan motto.)
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What part(s) of history interests you most (right now)? :
Master John McGuire :
Tudor and Elizabethan England and Europe.
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What do you think your duties of a Baron/Baroness are to the boroughs and how would you fulfill them? :
Master John McGuire :
Boroughs tend to have people that show up, learn, participate and then
leave within 3-4 years. In the Boston area, many stay longer, but many
are only here for that long. If the borough people are active and
helpful and worthy of
an AoA or other award the Baron and Baroness need to write the Crown with
reccomendations early enough and make the crowns aware that the awards are
time critical, so that they are still given while the borough member is
still living in Barony.
The Baron/Baroness are are there to make the event feel more medieval and
to add a little more to the magical feel of an event. In Court, or just
around the event you should encourage that feeling for all participants,
without making yourself distant. You have to appear regal and commanding
without scaring away people who are new and uncertain. Johanna and Aquel
did a good job of this and as did Patri before them. This is pretty much
a case of knowing when to look aloof and commanding and when to crack a
smile or to utter words of encouragement.
For all of the above, I would follow the examples of those who have
gone before me, and try to live up to the examples set by Patri,
Johanna and Aquel.
The statement has been made that the Baron/Baroness is the heart and soul
of the Barony. Boroughs in particular tend to have large crops of
newcomers. It is your duty to make them feel welcome, to encourage them
and to introduce them to those who share similar interests or activities.
Part of the SCA that makes people feel a part of it, is to feel
recognized, individually or in groups, the Baron/Baroness needs to
acknowledge everyone. Part of this is mingling at events, walking up to
and approaching new faces in particular, calling up groups and individuals
at court, and just generally spending time meeting and talking to people
and making them feel that you canr, you are approachable and you will
listen. And that you will not bite unless invited to...
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Do you feel the Baron/Baroness has any particular duties to newcomers? If so, what? :
Master John McGuire :
The Baron/Baroness are the figureheads of the Barony, they have to be
visible, look resonable and always act in a welcoming and courteous
manner. They have to encourage all of the arts, all of the services, all
of the marial activities and all of the new people who come in not knowing
about any of them.
The Baron/Baroness are one of the few imediately recognizable members of
the Barony. The crowns tend to give you away... As such you are often
one of the first persons that new people are shown and introduced to. It
is your duty to be welcoming and encouraging to everyone. You should
introduce them to the heads of the Guilds or groups that they might be
interested in. You have to make youself/yourselves available at events
and between events to answer questions and provide support as needed.
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How have you interacted with the boroughs in the past year? :
Master John McGuire :
Assisted my former journeyman Lucretzia with the Renaissance Clothing
Workshop at Mitguard. Brought two machines and helped students make
I assisted a number of individual borough members make patterns and
I have a standing offer of teaching anyone who asks, and I repeat that
offer in email or at council several times a year. I usually get a few
new college students following up on that every year.
Unfortunately for me it has been a rather quiet year, as far as
interacting with boroughs. Too many projects both work and SCA have
monopolized my time. All I have done is:
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If you saw a someone you took to be new at their third event wearing t-shirt & jeans (for the third time), what would you do if anything? Would what you do change if you were Baron/ess? :
Master John McGuire :
As Baron I would be a bit more circumspect and have someone else
approach them and introduce them to gold key and mention that the Baron
and a few others are happy to teach. As Baron a comment on garb could
be more intimidating, and thus I would avoid making it.
(Do we actually have anyone in Carolingia who can go to two events dressed
like that and not get an offer of help?????)
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I would normally introduce them to gold key and offer to teach them
how to make garb, or point them to a few good merchants depending
on their interest in sewing.
Do you feel the Barony is ready for a Baronial TW Champion now? If not, how would you judge when we have reached that point? :
Master John McGuire :
When is any martial group ready to produce a champion? If you have a
relatively stable population, are respected by the Barony and the group
feels that they want to put forward a representative for court it may be
time. If you are holding successful theme events where the draw is
thrown weapons, then it is probably long past the point the point that
you should have a champion.
If you can average 8-10 people a week at your practices during the
summer and/or around 15-20 at events then it is probably time to push
for a champion. If you are lower you might want to wait longer unless
you believe that having a champion will encourage more people to join
thrown weapons.
The problem with a Champion is that you have to attend the same courts
as the Baron, but you just stand there. While this may be interesting
for a reign or two, it gets old quickly. If you do not have a large
enough and fluid enough base of people to draw champions from, the same
small core of people will keep becoming champion and that can become
boring and can be a disencentive to people participating.
I would welcome a Champion, so long as the activity base is large enough
to support one and keep them fresh. I however would not want to have an
event four or five years from now when all the main members have been
champion and no one wants to compete and do it again...
I have this mental image of Christabel standing in court with her little
picnic basket of death...
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What can you provide to the Baronial Fencing community? :
Master John McGuire :
I fondly remember the pomp and enthusiasm that the CRC added to Patri's
court. I would like to bring back some of both.
While I have not fenced since College, (2.5 years), I have made fencing
outfits for a number of people over the years and still intend to make
for myself, it is just that other projects keep having a highter priority.
knows this might finally be the impetus I need to finally make the fencing
doublet from Janet Arnold's Patterns of Fashion.
I will at least die, looking the part. :)
Good will and the desire to see it grow. Support and backing.
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What can the Baronial Fencing community provide for you? :
Master John McGuire :
I wold like to make them more noticable as a group and have them under
take a few tasks at the kingdom level. A group in livery (see below)
showing up
to escort the Queen of the East at Pennsic for midnight Madness or some
activity , or showing up as a group in livery to assist with list
battles, as well as acting as Baronial supporters during local events and
Baronial sponsored activities at major wars.
I want to make the Carolingian fencers visible as a group, being helpful
getting noticed. If that can be done without boring or burning them out
would like to do so.
I would like to see better relations between fencers and heavy list inside
and outside of the Barony. Even when the King may do something to annoy
the Fencers, I would like to see them show by example that they are as
chivalrous or more so than the heavy list folks.
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As the fencing community grows and matures in the Barony, what role to you see it playing? :
Master John McGuire :
I see a role for the Fencers in the pomp and circumstance within the
see [the "structure of marshal activities support question].
I would like to see it encouraging new members and building a fairly large
base of talent. I would like to see Carolingian fencers dominating the
world as they are supposed to... I would like to see it actively
events, and participating as an activity at all Baronial events, with the
exception of special purpose events such as a scribal sympsium... :)
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