Master Aleksandr Ruslanovich :
Lady Morwenna Westerne :
Mistress Caitlin Davies and Master Justin du Coeur :
Lord Diego Mundoz and Lady Godith Anyon :
Master Seamus Donn :
Mistress Gwendolyn of Middlemarch :
I reiterate that court is important to us. We desire
interesting but reasonably efficient courts that have
suitable amounts of pomp and circumstance and a
certain theatrical element. I know this is somewhat
vague, but we don't have a full plan ready to plug in.
No matter who ends up being the baronial head, there
will be an adjustment period.
One thing I think Aquel and Johanna did particularly
well and that I would strive to maintain is the
personal interest they take in the people of the
barony, especially those entering or leaving. The
current baron and baroness are a welcoming and
encouraging presence and I would like to see that
Lord Kali Harlansson of Gotland :
Seigneur Jehan du Lac :
another thing they have done is lead the barony at
Pennsic. For years we
didn't have that, and it has been nice to see them
organizing a
Carolingian presence there with nice pagentry. I
would continue that
tradition, and would pull myself together to fight
with the troops,
although no one will ever mistake me for William
Marshall :).
Master John McGuire :
The traditional Baronial Champions will stay the
same, I just may dress
them better.
I will make certain that I am as approachable as
can and will try to be
as approachable as the current Baron and
I will keep courts as interesting as possible.
I will continue to support the arts and all
activities in the Barony.
Shi Hua Fu and Lady Yelizaveta Medvedeva :
In general, we'd like to continue the same confident
pace of the group
while continuing to encourage new activities and
diverse events.
Yeliz is keen on making sure we keep the various
Baronial champions up
to date, and perhaps sponsoring some new ideas to
involve other
non-martial groups more - maybe more A&S
opportunities. Marian
brought up the period Olympics in Coucil, which
sounds wonderful. We
had already been discussing a sort of decathalon
idea, and finding a
period reference is great.
We would probably have more pagentry than Aquel and
Johanna have had,
since we think it really adds to the atmosphere. Fu
is interested in
running court in a variety of styles -- adapting the
style to the
period of the event, in many cases, or holding a
Chinese Baronial
Court because of his persona. Viking, Roman and
French courts appeal
as well. There is a Carolingian processional march
that Tibicen wrote
that should get more attention, too.
We love the variety of Carolingian pursuits; to us,
the diversity of
activities is what brings so many people together.
We'd try not to
change anything that people think is going well, but
we'd like even
more people to have even more fun! The Baron and
Baroness can act as
the focal point to get communication flowing between
the barony's
groups, and that could bring interesting new things.
I can only hope to be as friendly, welcoming, and accessible as Aquel
and Johanna are. I think they are excellent at meeting people and making
them feel comfortable in almost any situation. Aquel fought with the
"Carolingian Troops" at Pennsic one year, and that's something I'd like
to do (or even see more of). I would also keep the three baronial
champions that Aquel and Johanna instituted. Of course, I'll continue
attending Council and writing a monthly column for the Minuscule.
I can only hope that we will do as good a job as Aquel and Johanna. They
will be a mighty tough act to follow. We will continue going to Pennsic and
I'm sure Aleksandr will lead the Carolingian troupes into battle (he's one
hell of a line commander -- just ask King Ragnar of Atlantia, or ask me for
the story sometime). We will still go to Council and write a letter for the
Minuscule, hold court and have baronial Champions.
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These are good questions, and I don't have good answers for them yet.
Justin and I are different people from Aquel and Johanna, our styles
are different. We're a little younger. In some ways, we're more
formal - I think courts may get a little more serious in terms of
spiffy and pageantry, but not stuffy (I can't imagine Justin doing
stuffy -- he was pouting awhile ago that if we became baron and
baroness he couldn't sit on the floor during court anymore!). But at
the same time, there's room for more humor, and more acknowledgement
of people's achievements outside of the three baronial orders.
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We do not believe Carolingia is in the midst, or on the brink, of any
crises. Aquel and Johanna, as Patri and Barbara before them, well
understood the wisdom of letting Carolingia be Carolingia. (As well
as when not to.) Our leadership would prefer the quiet nudge to the
shove, and example to decree.
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There are a couple of areas we would like to see emphasised. The
tourney companies are doing a good job providing more pagentry at
events; more public exposition of the arts & sciences; and of course
more music (period music) at events.
The things that have most impressed my about the current Baron and
Baroness are their dedication to the people, and their activity in
supporting the various guilds and groups. In particular the small
unofficial awards given, such as the Baron's ring, enable immediate
acknowledgement and encouragement of all acts of service, arts &
science, and martial activities.
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I am not personally setting out to change any major
aspect of the barony or steer it in any particular
direction. Things will be different with new baronial
heads because each person's style is different.
Differently than / the same as Aquel & Johanna, I
assume? I don't want to
go too much into specifics here, exactly, because
we're not running against
A&J and yet I don't know the other candidates
intentions well enough to
compare and contrast with them. One thing I will say
(and this looks like
an appropriate place to say it), is that court is
important to us, would be
where we'd probably most show our own stamp. We have
a strong interest in
making court more engaging, not by adding schtick but
by effective
presentation of the business. The Japanese-style
court held at this last
Pennsic was so impressive that it makes me think
about an occasional
"themed" court, maybe for our occasional themed
events. We also want to
look for ways to encourage the enjoyment of period
activity, period
behavior, and period values, and this would probably
also show up in how we
held court.
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One of the things I most admire about Johanna & Aquel
is their extremely
welcoming attitude towards newcomers, and I would
hope to live up to
their standard. I also like the way that they
recognize people with
their gifts of silver rings. I would probably want to
continue a similar
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Carolingia has a great number of traditions and
customs that have
served it well. Those will not be changed.
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We think Aquel and Johanna have done an excellent
job, so there isn't
much that needs fixing or changing. They did a
terrific job on
reaching out to the newer members of the group, and
it shows in the
Barony's vitality - we'd continue to do that.
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