What do you feel the Barony does well? :
Lord Diego Mundoz and Lady Godith Anyon :
The Barony turns out individuals who excel in their particular field.
How many Carolingians have been King's Champion or Queen's Champion
for fencing, archery, bardic arts? How many Laurels grew up in
Carolingia? If you are motivated, we'll give you an appreciative
audience to show off the fruits of your research and hard work.
Carolingia have a reputation for the Arts & Sciences, and we want to
see that reputation sustained and advanced.
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What do you feel the Barony needs to improve upon, and, as Baron, what steps would you take toward that improvement? :
Lord Diego Mundoz and Lady Godith Anyon :
We would like to see more pagentry, and more sense of
occasion. There's some movement already in that direction; the tourney
companies are making tournaments more splendid, and several different
people are interested in making feast service more authentic.
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From time to time, people have felt that Carolingia had an image problem outside our borders. Do you think Carolingia currently has an image problem outside the barony? If so, do you have any particular ideas how you might remedy that? If not, what do you think is the Baron/ess' most important role, if any, in inter-baronial relations? :
Lady Godith Anyon :
To a certain extent Carolingia is always going to be
somewhat insular -- we are a sufficiently large group that one does
not have to travel to have a full SCA life. Also, regardless of the
reality, Carolingia is always going to be perceived as insular,
whether we are or not, simply because memories for grievances are
long and it's always easier to believe the worst of people you do
not know. So I'm sure that among some people we do and always will
have an image problem. Nevertheless, we should not make it worse
than it has to be. Mara's little talks at dance practice, for
example, warn people that other groups do things differently, and we
must respect that.
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For a long time in Carolingia, there was a very strong ethic of "everybody works, everybody pays". In the last 5 or so years, that has shifted, and it has become more socially acceptable for autocrats and head-cooks to decide to "comp" volunteers (e.g. feed the kitchen staff without requiring them to pay on-board). Do you have an opinion about this practice? Do you think it good, bad, in between, neither, both? :
Lord Diego Mundoz :
I have heard events described as participatory theater; we pay
for our moments of enjoyment by making sure others have their own
moments. I like that model.
I grew up under the old system, and have not heard a
convincing argument as to why it should change. Resorting to
reductio ad absurdem - where does it stop? We "comp" the Crown.
then the Coronets ... the cooks ... the musicians ... the gate crew
... the hall crew ... the marshals ... the heralds. Who's left to
pay? Do we have a problem getting people for certain chores? And
if so, is waiving the entrance fee the right way to fix this?
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As Baron/ess, you would become a bestower of awards. What do you feel about the SCA Award System, especially as it exists here in the East and in Carolingia? Do you have any criticisms of it, and if so how will that be reflected in how you deal with giving awards? Do you prefer to "err early" or "err late" in giving awards? :
Lord Diego Mundoz :
In bestowal, I prefer not to err, but if we must to err late.
Recipients are exemplars (though one might differ to what degree);
let that continue to be the case.
There are days when I look at the Society's awards/rank
system and really, really want a magic wand, that we might have a
model that something that resembles something from _somewhere/-when_
in period.
Lady Godith Anyon :
But as long as we have such a system, if it raises
certain expectations, they should be met. If the AoA is an indicator
of adulthood and belonging on a level with the high school diploma
in the mundane world, it should not take longer to get an AoA in
Carolingia than to get a college degree. I'd rather err on the side
of a little too early than a lot too late, and a little too late
than a lot too early.
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In AS28, the Board of Directors passed a rule requiring membership for attending all SCA events. It was later repealled. How do you feel about this kind of "pay to play" rule? What do you feel membership in the SCA, Inc should be required for, if anything? :
Lord Diego Mundoz :
I'm not universally opposed to the idea of paid membership. I
can visualize circomstances where I would happily pay up. (The
ability to vote for BoD seats would be a major incentive.) But
right now, I hold the Society benefits more if the cost of
membership goes to a good book or a couple of leather tools.
I've been in the S.C.A. for 20 years; I became a member
only only to place my name before Carolingia, and there's still a
slight bitter aftertaste from doing so.
Lady Godith Anyon :
I am firmly opposed to mandatory memberships for
anything. If someone is sufficiently invested in the SCA to be King
or Baron or Seneschal, and still sees no value in a membership in
the corporation, that says something about the utility of that
membership. The SCA is not about sending a check to California. It's
about what you do in and for your group (whether you define group on
the guild, barony, kingdom, or society level).
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What do you personally think constitutes "politics"? Are all "politics" evil? :
Lord Diego Mundoz :
For the most part, I consider politics a tool, which can
be used for good or evil.
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What will you keep the same? :
Lord Diego Mundoz and Lady Godith Anyon :
We do not believe Carolingia is in the midst, or on the brink, of any
crises. Aquel and Johanna, as Patri and Barbara before them, well
understood the wisdom of letting Carolingia be Carolingia. (As well
as when not to.) Our leadership would prefer the quiet nudge to the
shove, and example to decree.
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There are a couple of areas we would like to see emphasised. The
tourney companies are doing a good job providing more pagentry at
events; more public exposition of the arts & sciences; and of course
more music (period music) at events.
What will you do differently? :
Lord Diego Mundoz and Lady Godith Anyon :
[See the response to "What will you keep the same?"]
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How much do you think the baron/ess should be involved in the running of the barony? just the "medieval bits" or other stuff as well? :
Lord Diego Mundoz and Lady Godith Anyon :
The Baron and the Baroness are the ceremonial heads of the
Barony. That means they don't have to do the day-to-day
paperwork. However, within the social context of the S.C.A., they have
a great deal of power. Their approval and encouragement can make the
difference between a viable and nonviable activity. For example, when
Patri was Baron, fighting was a marginal activity, but fencing was a
major one. Fencers formed the Baron's guards. That guard dissolved
when Patri stepped down. Aquel fights. Fighting is now much bigger and
more mainstream than it used to be. Fencing hasn't gone away, but it's
a lot smaller. So just the "medieval" bits is a huge job in and of
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What type of structure do you envision to support our general marshal activities? Seeing as I personally am involved in Archery, Throw Weapons, Heavy List and Fencing, I would appreciate if you could give all of us a view of the "big picture". As Baron/Baroness, what would you try to put in place to encourage the growth of each of these activities? Or do you envision a single structure that could support all of them at the same time? :
Lord Diego Mundoz and Lady Godith Anyon :
[See the response to "What can you provide to the Baronial Fencing community?"]
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Aquel and Johanna have started getting into having an entourage (for court, processionals) which is quite different from how Patri and Barbara did things. Do you think you would want to "do entourage" in some fashion? :
Lord Diego Mundoz :
Yes, though I think I would prefer a smaller average
Lady Godith Anyon :
Entourage is essential. I'd like to have something that
looks as spiff as the CRC did.
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What do you expect to have to give up to accept this position? How will your participation in other Baronial activities change? :
Lady Godith Anyon :
Privacy and leisure time. I expect that we will become more involved
in Baronial activities, even in areas where we have not previously
been interested, so that we can keep a sense of the Barony as a whole.
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Do you see anything preventing you from holding the post at least 4 years? :
Lady Godith Anyon :
Asteroid strike? We're pretty well settled in our
lives. I expect we'll get burned out after five years or so; that
seems to be a fairly standard interval.
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Many of you, over the length of your SCA careers, have not been shy about sharing your opinions in public. If elected, would you change your participation in public discussions, including (but not limited to) e-mail lists and Great Council meetings? If so, how? :
Lord Diego Mundoz :
While wearing the coronets, and acknowledging we don't get to
make policy ... what we say will be taken as indicative of
Carolingian sentiment even if loaded with disclaimers. I take that
seriously, and - short of emergencies - will prefer to consult and
Yes. Currently, I speak only for myself (and sometimes not
even that). The only harm done if I screw up (which happens) is
Lady Godith Anyon :
Actually, I'm generally fairly quiet in those venues. I
don't expect to change that much.
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Why do you think you'll be good? :
Lord Diego Mundoz and Lady Godith Anyon :
We believe we will present a dignified and suitably imposing
appearance when holding court, and that we can set a good example for
others to follow.
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Do you think you will be able to be in tune with all the different aspects of the barony? :
Lord Diego Mundoz and Lady Godith Anyon :
Can any one or two people keep up with everything that goes on in the
barony? Certainly there isn't any activity that we would cut or snub,
and we believe we're on good terms with most people, so we don't
expect problems working with any group.
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Do you belong to a household, formal or informal? Are you in fealty, or have fiefs of your own? Do you anticipate your household or feudal relationships changing if you become Baron/ess, and if so how? :
Lord Diego Mundoz :
I am squired to Sir Andros ap Anlawdd, and thus a
nominal member of House Hakim. As Andros has been inactive for
many years I don't see that as a problem, though I would find a
way to clarify loyalties and obligations before receiving the
coronet. I have one person on staff. (Not feudal reatiner,
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What part(s) of history interests you most (right now)? :
Lord Diego Mundoz :
dar-al-Islam. My most recent book purchases were an
annotated Quran, an Arabic grammar, and a book on Arabic script
(which I should commend to the calligraqphers).
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What do you think your duties of a Baron/Baroness are to the boroughs and how would you fulfill them? :
Lord Diego Mundoz and Lady Godith Anyon :
The boroughs are supposed to be a support group for students to
enter Carolingia.
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Instead, they sometimes act as ghettos. This is less of a
problem at Mitgaard, where so many meetings and practices come to
them, but all the boroughs need contact with older scadians who can
offer them rides, advice, mentoring, and a bridge into the larger
The Baron and Baroness, if they make themselves accessible to
the boroughs, are in a unique position to help the borough folk.
Because they are the ceremonial heads of the barony, their example
carries great weight. If they make the time for demos and to welcome
to newcomers, so will others. They can also see to it that borough
folk get a chance to participate in baronial activities, including
more glamorous ones than washing dishes.
Do you feel the Baron/Baroness has any particular duties to newcomers? If so, what? :
Lord Diego Mundoz and Lady Godith Anyon :
Yes, definitely.
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Newcomers are important to the life of the Barony. While they
are still new and enthusiastic, they remind older members (who may
have gotten jaded) just why they got into this in the first place,
and inspire them to stay active.
Newcomers are also an often-unappreciated pool of labor -- it
is not very glamorous, but somebody has to sweep the floors and chop
vegetables, and it is often the new folks who end up doing this. It
should not have to be said how important this is, but in case
someone has missed this, let's say it again: even the most rank
beginner can, and often does, make a valuable contribution to our
Finally, today's newcomers are tomorrow's officers, autocrats,
and Laurels. It is incumbent on everyone to make new people welcome
and help them get started. It is wise for an old-timer to forge
friendships with new people. The old-timer benefits from the
newcomer's enthusiasm, and the newcomer benefits from the
old-timer's experience.
The Baron and Baroness have a similar duty to newcomers that
they do to borough folk. They must lead by example, and make time
for newcomers instead of just hanging out with all their old friends.
How have you interacted with the boroughs in the past year? :
Lord Diego Mundoz and Lady Godith Anyon :
As Magistra, Godith has been to every demo she could physically fit
in, including the Mitgaard activites night. Diego, despite not being
Magistra, has gone to all these demos too. Godith has been to sewfests
for Mitgaard and Ivory Keep this fall (and only missed the one at
Felding because of an injury). Last IAP we were at Mitgaard's shoe
classes, and Godith was the cloak-making workshop.
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If you saw a someone you took to be new at their third event wearing t-shirt & jeans (for the third time), what would you do if anything? Would what you do change if you were Baron/ess? :
Lord Diego Mundoz :
Find out who they are, and why they're not correctly
dressed. If it's lack of opportunity, hand them off to Gold Key or
solicit private contributions. Otherwise ... remind them gently we
do have a clothing policy. If they're still not with the plan, it's
time to talk to the autocrat.
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Do you feel the Barony is ready for a Baronial TW Champion now? If not, how would you judge when we have reached that point? :
Lord Diego Mundoz and Lady Godith Anyon :
This assumes a fact not in evidence: that Carolingia needs, or the TW
people want, a TW champion.
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Does Carolingia need one to "complete the set"? Will having one
improve the skill or the reputation of the TW people? (I'm not
objecting to having a TW champion. I'm challenging the idea there
must be a Baronial TW Champion(tm).) If we deicde we want one, then
the question turns around: is there any reason not to choose one as
soon as possible?
What can you provide to the Baronial Fencing community? :
Lord Diego Mundoz and Lady Godith Anyon :
Neither of us fence, now have we ever. As such, we have
personal connection to the prosperity of fencing in Carolingia.
Do not mistake this for not wanting to see fencing
which we most certainly do. We remember the days of the C.R.C.; that
was cool, and we are very much in favor of more coolness.
What form that coolness takes should be up to the
Would we suport something C.R.C.-like? Probably. (One could argue
the participation drop indicates there's a flaw somewhere in that
model.) Would it be the same, us not being Patri and Barbara?
Probably not.
Carolingia, like one's personal combat style, is a
work-in-progress. We would like to see all activities vigorous,
independant, and yet not isolated.
You ask what the fencing community might do for us.
Responding not to the questions in
particular, but to the
concerns that seem to be behind them.
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1) Do well.
2) Do good.
3) Lead by example.
What can the Baronial Fencing community provide for you? :
Lord Diego Mundoz and Lady Godith Anyon :
[See the response to "What can you provide to the Baronial Fencing community?"]
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As the fencing community grows and matures in the Barony, what role to you see it playing? :
Lord Diego Mundoz and Lady Godith Anyon :
[See the response to "What can you provide to the Baronial Fencing community?"]
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