Master Aleksandr Ruslanovich :
Lady Morwenna Westerne :
I have been involved in the SCA for 13 years now, almost entirely in
Carolingia. I feel I have a good idea of the history and social customs of
the barony. When I started in the SCA, I was a college student and I have
seen the Society from that perspective as well as from that of a working
I do not consider the SCA the most important thing in my life, but it is my
only hobby, so I feel I have the time and energy to commit to being
For two years, when Aleksandr was a royal champion and then when I succeeded
him, I was closely involved with the Royalty. This gave me an opportunity to
observe and learn about being a head of state, both on the throne and
"backstage". Similarly, Aleksandr has attended on Aquel and Johanna for
several years, including running the Runnymeade dinner at Pennsic (the
annual gathering of all territorial baron/esses) for them. We feel we have a
good sense of what is expected from the populace and how those we admire
have conducted themselves as leaders.
I am not a candidate alone and I feel that Aleksandr and myself are good
candidates because we compliment each other well. We have interests that are
widely different (I embroider, he fights) as well as interests in common, of
course. Our differing interests allow us to speak and sympathize with a
large portion of Carolingia's population. Also, I think our personal
strengths and weakness are balanced out by the other person.
Mistress Caitlin Davies and Master Justin du Coeur :
Lord Diego Mundoz and Lady Godith Anyon :
Lady Emmanuelle de Chenonceaux :
Master Seamus Donn :
Mistress Gwendolyn of Middlemarch :
We have been active participants in the barony for
many years and delight in many of the barony's
activities. We have a desire to see Carolingia
continue as an active and vibrant entity.
As parents we deal with "people issues" such as
scheduling and negotiation on a regular basis, as well
as soothing ruffled feathers, encouragement, listening
and finding channels for skills. I think all of these
are things the baronial heads may need to be able to
do at some point. Of course, this is NOT something I
think only parents can do; we just get a lot of
practice at it.
And I repeat, we both have a strong theatrical
background. You will hear us if we desire to be heard.
Lord Kali Harlansson of Gotland :
One feature of our slate that's unique among the ones
standing for
election: we are not a couple. We're married, but
not to each other.
Carolingia has not had a baron and baroness in this
situation before, but
it's been done several times at the royal level. The
advantages are that
family emergencies are much less likely to disrupt
the Coronet's activity,
since we come from two separate families. Further,
we will have that extra
bit of stamina and stability because we are not each
other's only source of
emotional support - we believe that makes us a little
less likely to burn
out than a Coronet pair who were relying only on each
other for support.
And a third point: we have both got a strong history
in theater, so we
believe we will have a feel for how to
effectively "stage" court, how to
keep people's attention, or to sense if we're losing
it. Of great
importance, we both know how to project, so people
can *hear* what's going
on in court.
Now, is that enough to make us "good"? Up to you,
and the barony, to
Seigneur Jehan du Lac :
Master John McGuire :
I have a great deal of patience and am willing
deal with everyone
including those members of the Barony who
occasionally rub others
the wrong way.
I can organize fairly well and can motivate
to participate in
projects. I will take the initiative to help
make the barony look
good. I am still learning about delegating, but
am getting better.
I treat people well and do my best to encourage
I am willing to listen and to act upon good
suggestions. I can recognize
people who know more about a topic than I do and
know when to defer
to their knowledge.
I can store, transport and assemble the thrones
myself... :)
My ego is large enough to withstand constructive
criticism, while
still being small enough that I feel no need to
dominate a discussion or
I have a fairly strong group of people who will
provide support and
assistance so that I can do the job of Baron
without burning out.
Shi Hua Fu and Lady Yelizaveta Medvedeva :
And frankly, we think we'd have fun doing it, and
hope others would
have fun as well. We have a lot of experience in
theater which will
come in handy (including the ability to project to
the back of the
hall), and a general sense of style. No one should
take it all too
seriously, but neither should the position be taken
too lightly.
Enjoy the day, enjoy the court, enjoy the people, and
don't get in the
way of people having fun - add to it!
I think I'll be good because I'm a good leader -- with a background in
both SCA and non-SCA organizations; because I do a wide variety of
things in the SCA -- I'm certainly an 'A&S geek', but I'm the only
candidate that fights; and because I've been in the SCA and Carolingia
long enough to know it well, but not so long as tobe weighed down with
too much history. I also think I have a certain amount of theatrical
style which is important in an SCA baron. I'm a good public speaker, and
can improvise when I need to. I believe I can help people believe that
the SCA is more "real".
Being the baronial head involves a certain amount of theatricality and I
have a strong performing arts background, I can speak in public and also
extemporize well. I am rather shy in real life, but when I am on stage, and
being Baroness would put me on a stage, I can more than hold my own.
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Besides length of activity in the SCA (17 and 18 years, respectively),
we have a great breadth of experience. I've been baronial secretary,
edited the Liber, cooked for and autocratted events, worked as a
herald and a regional seneschal, been active as an archer, a dancer,
and a member of the cooks and brewers guilds. I also have experience
dealing with people in other groups, and look forward to making the
connection with other barons and baronesses and their groups.
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We believe we will present a dignified and suitably imposing
appearance when holding court, and that we can set a good example for
others to follow.
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I think I can meet the requirements and challenges of the job with
patience, and good humor. I think these qaulities will help me set an
example of leadership within the Barony, and representing the Barony
well when outside it.
I try very hard to live up to expectations. I am running because
someone had the confidence in me to nominate me. Being elected is,
perhaps, one of the greatest signs of confidence the Barony could
show. I can think of no greater incentive to be as good at the job as
humanly possible!
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We are both reasonable, responsible, reliable people
that care about the people in the Barony of
Carolingia. I think both of us have good judgment and
reasonable social skills. (Sometimes the obvious
should be stated!)
I think a major part of the position is for the
Coronet (to avoid the
awkward Baron/ess construction) to represent the
barony, not just to the
Crown and to the Kingdom, but especially to the
Barony itself: they reflect
the barony's self-image, and should come as close as
possible to being the
sum of the barony's parts. In that respect, we bring
considerable depth
and breadth of Carolingian experience: I have been in
the SCA for 27 years
now (all but one of them in Carolingia) and Gwendolyn
for 23. I was
seneschal for five years, years which didn't feel
formative at the time but
did shape a number of things that are now
traditions. Between us, we've
been involved in a broad range of guilds and
activities: theater, music,
dance, heavy-list fighting, storytelling, brewing,
archery, cooking,
calligraphy, needlework, and others - some we've been
especially involved
in, some merely participants: more detail gladly
supplied, if you want it.
Oh, and we've each autocratted a couple of events.
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I have a good understanding of the historical time period, and I think
that I can combine the "authenticity factor" with the SCA "fun factor"
pretty well. I like to think that I can encourage "periodness" without
intimidating people, and I've gotten along very well with new
people. I also think I have some flair for pagentry, which is an
important feature in a ceremonial leader :). A little while ago I
wrote a post to the Carolingia list tha sums up my feelings about why
the Society is worthwhile (during the "teffan's Dilemma" debate). If
you want me to, I can try to dig around in email to find it again.
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I can look and act the part. I always dress
fairly well. I have a
voice that can project to the back of a hall and
have a good deal
of experience and training in public speaking.
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We care a lot about the Barony and the people in it.
We would be
immensely proud to represent the Barony to the
Kingdom and to the
Society because of the amazing people who live here.
That caring also
translates to wanting to be a Baron and Baroness that
the Barony can
be proud to call their own, and we would do our
utmost to uphold that
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