Master Aleksandr Ruslanovich :
Lady Morwenna Westerne :
Mistress Caitlin Davies and Master Justin du Coeur :
Lord Diego Mundoz and Lady Godith Anyon :
Lady Emmanuelle de Chenonceaux :
Master Seamus Donn :
Mistress Gwendolyn of Middlemarch :
We plan to be reasonably accessible and active.
Lord Kali Harlansson of Gotland :
We intend that one or both of us will attend every
Council meeting;
continue most of the activities we currently
participate in (though
possibly a little less intensively); attend sessions
of other activities
that have regular meetings - we'll be attending such
meetings regularly,
but it may feel only occasional to the members of
those groups, there being
so many; perhaps the occasional Open House; and
otherwise being accessible
to anyone who wants to communicate, whether by phone,
(e-)mail, or just
talking face to face.
Seigneur Jehan du Lac :
One of the things I'd like to do would be to have an
occasional "open
house" at my home, where people could come, eat
snacks, look at costume
& history books, work on litlte projects, chat and
the like. Patri used
to do this once in a while, and I like the idea.
Master John McGuire :
My weakest area is heavy list, where while I
attended practices for a
while in Dragonship Haven I never qualified.
having a helmet that
fit, I could hit my opponent, but I couldn't see
their sword until just
it impacted. (I died a lot. :)
Shi Hua Fu and Lady Yelizaveta Medvedeva :
We have lots of experience in the Barony (and Fu has
experience in
Aethelmarc as well). Between us, we've participated
in almost every
activity that the SCA has to offer. We think we can
well represent the
diversity of Carolingia both to outlanders and to our
own people.
We have ties to all of the martial arts. Besides both
being archers,
Fu used to be a fighter. Yeliz used to make garb for
the fencers.
We've practiced thrown weapons. We very much enjoyed
the recent
Equestrian event -- we're sure there will be more
Yeliz started Middle Eastern dance in the Barony, and
has held the
positions of Historian and Quire Guildmistress before
taking on
Principal of the Perseus and co-editing the Liber
with Fu.
We have ties to most of the guilds in one way or
another (generally
having participated in the activites or attended
meetings at some
point). We also have strong ties to the Cantons,
Aschehyrst. Yeliz was even a merchant for a couple
of years, and
traveled a lot around the East.
As much as I'd like to say "yes", I think the answer is really "No --
and that's OK". I can keep in tune with a lot of them -- like I said,
I'm an A&S geek: I perform, I tell stories, I cook, I research and
encourage persona, I teach, etc. I'm also a fighter and would do even
more of that if chosen as baron. No one person can be all things to all
people -- or partake of everything the SCA has to offer. Fortunately, I
don't have to be. I will have a baroness, who has different interests
from mine and who will talk to different people than I do. Between the
two of us, we hope to be able to stay in touch with a wide variety of
people from all of the different parts of the barony.
It would be difficult for one person, or even two, to be in tune with
all the different aspects of the barony. I try, even now, as a private
citizen, to keep abreast of all the happenings and interests in the
barony. That's why I attend Council (although it's been nearly a
decade since I held an office), subscribe to the Minuscule and the
Carolingian mailing list. We would certainly welcome comments from the
populace and we had discussed holding "office hours" -- a time each
week when we would be available for the populace to reach us.
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I think so. If I may, instead of listing all our various activities
here, I'll refer you to the SCA resumes we sent to Tibicen, which she
will be making available. We've both been autocrats, guild members,
engaged in one or more combat activities, been active in a borough....
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Can any one or two people keep up with everything that goes on in the
barony? Certainly there isn't any activity that we would cut or snub,
and we believe we're on good terms with most people, so we don't
expect problems working with any group.
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In tune? I wouldn't know, I am not a musician. I am interested and
happy to listen to and talk with anyone. I realize we have a large
barony- a cosmopolitan one with a number of communities and groups
within it. There is a lot going on and through all the shuffle it can
sometimes be quite hard to be heard, or to know you have been heard. I
think I can keep an open ear and a open eyes, and try to be aware of
the barony as a whole, as a close knit group of communities and as
One can try. My intention would be to pursue the position with as much
openness as possible. I didn't get a Pelican for saying no! The
older, more established activities within the Barony are generally
self-supportive, and probably less in need of weekly support. So my
desire would be to concentrate on the areas where we are growing (or
declining!), yet keeping an open ear to all.
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In a word, no. I don't think anyone can be in tune
with all the different aspects of the barony. Will we
try to be open to the diverse and varied elements that
make up the barony? yes. Will we strive to become more
familiar with aspects we may not be familiar with at
the moment? yes.
Carolingia is such a large group, with so many very
different activities,
that this will certainly be the major challenge for
the new coronet(s),
whoever they be.
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I sure would try. It's a big place. I'm active in
fencing, I have been
active in fighting in the past. I'm pulling my armor
back together so
that I can do that again. The dance community is a
big one here, and I
would make the effort to go to dance practices more
often. In the past
I've gone to borough meetings to talk about persona
stuff and that kind
of thing, and I would probably do that more. Johanna
& Aquel have been
very good at circulating to meetings & activities and
I would try to
keep that up.
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I will freely admit that I tend to contribute
heaviest in the arts. Despite
this I have a wide string of interests, have
dabbled haevily in a large
number of areas and can hold a reasonable
conversation and have
friends in just about every sub group in the
Barony. If I don't know
enough to properly support it I know who can
advise me.
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Oh yes. All the fun is in the variety.
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