Some Projects and Ideas
- Positive, focused, flexible, organized, and proactive.
- Management's New Paradigms
- ITLT Meeting Practices
- When a new person comes in...
- Behavioral Skills
- ilead meeting planning checklist (first cut)
- notes from a discovery
- ACMG notes on web-based educational
environment (feb. 1998)
- A Draft Checklist for Group Interviewing (11/1997) html
- A Draft Checklist for Group Interviewing (11/1997) text
- Competency Based Interviewing Template html
- Competency Based Interviewing Template text
- Notes on Being Effective Verbally (html)
- Notes on Being Effective Verbally
- When do we need to communicate?
- notification service
- Service Team Leader projects 97/2/4
- Notes: Transition to Service
- Future projects 97/2/6
- SGI plan 97/1/17
- A list of questions for Code Reviews
- A list of questions for Code Reviews (htmlified)
- Checklist for Code Walkthroughs (Draft, Version 1, 10/16/97)
- Long Job Idea
One approach to providing long job support
- Notes toward Notifier
- More Notions
Various projects
- Collecting Info Project
polls, surveys, voting, delphi, etc.
- Work Ideas
Watchmaker, Thesis, etc. projects
- LERT notes
Notes on LERT status 3/6/96
- Bulk Mail notes
Notes on Bulk Mail 3/25/96
- Civility, collegiality, and mutual respect
Vest suggesting what we need to work on...
- Mike Barker's Home Page
MIT IS/DCNS Development home page